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22tracks. RTL2832U chipset support proposal - [EN] Third-Party Development - Forums - Page 2. Ambrosa, on 29 Nov 2011 - 12:41, said: I've an of interesting info.Every DVB-T USB stick based on RTL2832U and tuners FC0012 or FC0013 or FC2580 or E4000 IS DAB RADIO CAPABLEIt's only a player issue (tnx Realtek for info).Tested (by Xgaz) with my DIKOM USB DVBT stick with Windows Terratec DAB player and original DIKOM driver.Well .... It works !! Ok, Enigma2 doesn't support DAB Anyone knows a Linux DAB Player ? I wish to test my stick .... but I've found nothing about Linux (Ubuntu) and DAB ... Hello, Apart from opendab, there's also openmokast project: runs on linux and takes various inputs.

Now the question, is more "what's come out of the stick when in DAB" ? Otherwise, if it is a demodulated signal, it can be either a fraction of the multiplex or the complete mux (1.5Mbits/s). Mathias. - Höre Musik mit Internetradio und dem größten Musikkatalog online. WACKEN RADIO.