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SplashTacular is the leading water slides manufacturer. We design and build water slides, aquatic play units, drop slides and Waterpark attractions worldwide. Our engineers, designers and water slide manufacturing experts turn stainless steel and fiberglass into swerving, twisting, water-filled works of art. As the largest waterslide manufacturer in the U.S. and winner of a World Waterpark Association’s Industry Innovation Award for Suppliers, we know a thing or two about creating unique waterpark experiences.

6 Steps to Creating a Water park Maintenance Plan. Why Consider Adding Water Attractions to Your Park? Choosing the Right Aquatic Play Structure for Your Park. Employee Spotlight - Stacey Richard. How to Make Your Waterpark Profitable in the Off-Season. Your End-of-Waterpark-Season Check List - Splashtacular. EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT – JOE PTAK. Best Commercial Water Park Equipment: The Secrets Revealed – Water Slides Manufacturer. What to Prioritize at Your Park Between Now and Opening Day. WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN AN AQUATIC PLAY UNIT. Different Interactive Water Play Spray Features to Thrill and Delight.

Why Choose A Waterpark Manufacturer. How to build a Water Park – Water Slides Manufacturer. Some of the best water parks around the world are always flooded with people, even during off-seasons.

How to build a Water Park – Water Slides Manufacturer

Water parks are made of fun slides, swimming pools, artificial waterfalls, and other exciting activities containing water. From small to large, one can build these water parks on any premise. Outdoors water parks have more room to add or remove equipment easily to try new things. The indoor water park is a smart alternative to outdoor water parks when considering inside clubs, resorts, hotels, and the backyard of homes, in general. With advanced roofing technology and increasing indoor facilities, the all-weather water parks are the choice of many. Huge water parks attract more visitors, but they come with an enormous maintenance responsibility. Basics that go into building a water park Prepare a blueprint to estimate the completion time. The second important factor is to finalize the premise and see if it’s suitable for the plan you have in mind. Wrapping Up Like this: Like Loading... Project Spotlight: Candy Cane Park. Why You Should Consider Adding Water Attractions to Your Park.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN AN AQUATIC PLAY UNIT. Tips for better Water Park Maintenance – Water Slides Manufacturer. Before the onset of winters, water parks in North America are already closed or in preparing to close.

Tips for better Water Park Maintenance – Water Slides Manufacturer

Proper maintenance of your water park before closing ensures that your rides are ready for summer action when you open up again during the spring season. The following are some benefits of regular waterpark maintenance: Saves money – When the rides are maintained regularly, they would break down less. This means no expensive repairs or lost revenues due to ride closure. Extends attraction’s lifespan – Periodic maintenance of your rides and other attractions keeps them looking as good as new and operating smoothly. Ensures visitors’ safety – Any part that is worn out from daily wear and tear will be replaced during maintenance. Improves Appeal – Since the rides and attractions keep looking as new as the day it was installed, it will continue to attract more and more visitors. Best Commercial Water Park Equipment: The Secrets Revealed.

A water park is a unique business that is attracting different amusement park owners and entrepreneurs alike.

Best Commercial Water Park Equipment: The Secrets Revealed

Even though it is sometimes a seasonal business, having a water park alongside your existing adventure park or even as a stand-alone can assure that you have a wide range of visitors during the peak seasons. Moreover, the advantages of starting a water park is that location is never a hindrance as you can have one located indoors, outdoors, and even both.

Buying your water park equipment from trusted water park equipment manufacturers means you are assured of good workmanship and minimal maintenance. Types of New Age Water Parks and How to Build Them? Visiting India while also working as an Online Marketer wasn’t really on my list.

Types of New Age Water Parks and How to Build Them?

I always assumed that if I’d visit India, I’d take some time off as I heard there was a lack of infrastucture for Digital Nomads. Luckily I met Ani Gupta at Kohub in Koh Lanta. He’s Location independent and originally from India. After he posted a nice picture and the wifi speed of his coworking space in Bombay, Ministry of New, I decided to go pay a visit during two weeks between my stay in Thailand and my planned visit to Malaysia.

Project Spotlight: Houston Memorial Pool. THE COUNTDOWN TO OPENING DAY HAS BEGUN! What is involved in Waterpark Construction and Maintenance? Summers are the best time to be out.

What is involved in Waterpark Construction and Maintenance?

Students are looking forward to enjoying their favorite summertime recreational activity – water parks. The water park is an excellent place to escape the sweltering heat. They also provide a dash of adrenaline with exciting rides and attractions. From a business point of view, running a water park might need a high initial investment. Yet, once famous and attracts repeating visitors, profits will roll in as floodgates opened. SAFETY FEATURES EVERY WATER PARK NEEDS. Onboarding Your Waterpark Employees for a Successful Summer - Splashtacular. A LEADING WATER SLIDE MANUFACTURER AND A FEW IMPORTANT INNOVATIONS FOR THE WATERPARK INDUSTRY. Employee Spotlight - Corey Grace. Which Splastacular Slide is the Perfect Addition for Your Park? How to Turn Your Outdated Waterpark Into an Innovative and Splashing One - Want to put your waterpark on the global map?

How to Turn Your Outdated Waterpark Into an Innovative and Splashing One -

Or planning to refurbish your outdated waterpark? Most water park builders believe that water parks should be fun for the whole family and not just for any specific age group. Moreover, you should be able to maintain your edge over your competitors in the coming years. Water parks can survive if they drive repeat visitors. Guest experience should be positive and memorable from the time they start till they finish. Just a pool with a ride is just not enough to attract visitors of all ages. Adding new attractions: A new experience is one way to stimulate the frequent appearance of the guests.Extrasensory experiences: Add lights, music, and adrenaline-boosting thrills along with the rides to win over your guest’s heart.

Consulting an accomplished waterpark manufacturer helps identify the areas you should focus on during your refresh. Innovative Waterpark Ideas Sometimes you may need a signature ride that sets you apart from the crowd. Splashbowl. SUMMER SAFETY TIPS FOR YOUR PARK. As waterslide manufacturers, there is nothing more exciting for the team at Splashtacular than waterpark season.


But, with great excitement comes great responsibility and as waterslide manufacturers and waterpark owners, it is our job to keep our patrons safe. Today, we’re sharing our top tips to keep your guests and employees safe all summer long. Keep reading below to learn more! Splashtacular’s Waterpark Safety Tips 1. WHY EVERY PARK NEEDS AN ATTRACTION FOR THRILL SEEKERS. When designing your waterpark, there are so many details that you need to think about!


From the waterslides to the safety features to the snacks to the restrooms – every detail matters and no detail is less important than the rest. One feature our clients don’t necessarily think about until they start designing their park is the need for a slide truly built for thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies. Having a rip-roaring speed slide or crazy drop is a great way to solidify your park as parents and teenagers favorite option. Why you should update your waterpark in 2022. If you’ve been debating giving your waterpark a refresh, this is your sign, straight from a waterpark manufacturer, that the 2021 – 2022 off-season is the perfect time to do so!

Why you should update your waterpark in 2022

Below, the Splashtacular team is sharing the five reasons that it is time, plus the areas you should focus on during your refresh. Five Reasons Now is the Time to Update Your Park 1. WHAT YOU SHOULD LOOK FOR IN AN AQUATIC PLAY UNIT. At Splashtacular we aren’t just a waterslide supplier, we are your one stop aquatic feature shop!


We’re often thought of just as a waterslide supplier, but our Aquatic Play Units (better known as APUs around here!) Are also fantastic features for your park. Whether you are searching for a new aquatic feature for a city park, neighborhood pool, or theme park, there are options for you. Why care about your water park maintenance? Waterparks are synonymous with fun and are the ideal place to visit when the mercury rises and you need to beat the heat. Water parks offer a break from routine life to enjoy a fun day with family or friends. The water, different attractions, and sheer thrill from multiple water rides attract visitors of varying ages and walks of life. Diving into indoor water park Trend 2021. One of the most prominent memories of summer is the pool parties, popsicles, and the visit to local water parks. Nothing beats the sweltering heat as lazing in the pool or trying out the new waterslide.

The only drawback with outdoor water parks was that you can only visit them during the peak season i.e., the summer season. This all changed with the inauguration of the Great Wolf Lodge, Wisconsin in 1994 – the first indoor water park in the United States. Indoor water parks allowed that Great Wolf Lodge to become an all-year-round tourist destination instead of being a seasonal attraction.

Built on the success of Great Wolf Lodge, today the U.S and Canada have a cumulative 275 indoor water parks with Wisconsin boasting to have most indoor water parks in one state (it is 5). In the ever-growing waterpark industry, you need to constantly innovate to avoid monotony and remain a crowd puller year on year.