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Fish tank aquarium

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Ekolnet. Freshwater Aquariums and Freshwater Fish Species from AC Tropical Fish & Aquarium.

WELCOME TO PRODAC INTERNATIONAL WEB SITE. Rainforest akvarijumske biljke. Akvarij.NET - akvarističko teraristički portal i forum. Akvaristika. Black Skirt Tetra - Gymnocorymbus ternetzi. I enjoyed reading the different experiences with black skirts. I lost mine today after 8 years. It began as my daughter's fish and ended up my fish when she outgrew it. We bought my daughter 3 fish in one of those starter aquariums, the next to smallest, thinking that they would not last too long.

That was 8 years ago. We bought a something Molly, and a striped Australian type of fish that had fluorescent stripes. I wish I could remember more about them but they were short timers. The Molly lived only 6 months (after reading these posts I suspect some bullying might have occurred) since the striped fish was also a potentially aggressive type. I always thought fish were dull, not much to them.

I have kept these fish for at least 3 years and have not had good experience with them because, even though I have kept them in schools in my 75 liter tank (4 black tetras and 4 long finned black tetras and a pleco) they never swim when the light is on. Neon Tetra - Paracheirodon innesi. The neon tetra is by far one of the best community fish there is on the market. Kept in a school of 6 or more, these little guys are an awesome spectacle swimming around the aquarium and chasing each other back and forth.

Neons are extremely peaceful and rather small, therefore shouldn't be kept with very large fish which might find it an appetizing meal. In my experience with neons they tend to be an adaptable fish which can tolerate a pH of 5.0 but it is best to have pH of about 7.0. Also, they feed on the basic flake food but should also get occasional feedings of tubifex worms and frozen brine shrimp. A feeding of live foods once in a while is also suggested but not neccessary. When kept under good conditions the neon tetra is a beautiful and awesome addition to any community aquarium. Neon Tetras are a great addition to the community aquarium and are fascinating to watch as they dart around the aquarium as a group.

Neon Tetras inhabit the dense waters of the Amazon region. Akvaristika. Akvaristika › Novosti. Životinjsko carstvo - životinje, psi, mačke, konji, ekologija, akvaristika, egzotični ljubimci... Akvaristika.