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Shortwave antenna amplifier. This is a wide band shortwave SW antenna amplifier.

Shortwave antenna amplifier

The frequency band is 1 to 30 MHz and a medium gain of 15 dB. The input stage is built with MPF102 and the other stages with 2N3904. The power supply is 9 V and the output impedance is 50 Ω. Untitled. Build a Multiband Shortwave Antenna - Simple Shortwave Antennas for Shortwave Radios! Follow these simple plans to build a multiband shortwave antenna and be on your way to world band radio excitement!

Build a Multiband Shortwave Antenna - Simple Shortwave Antennas for Shortwave Radios!

Hear shortwave signals live as they happen directly from around the world! Many years ago, my dad sparked my interest in shortwave radio, which led to me becoming a licensed Amateur Radio Operator in 1989. Lots of us "Hams", listen to the shortwave bands when we are not in the "talk" mode ON THE AIR. I have enjoyed shortwave radio since a small child! The excitement of listening to voices, music, news and other fascinating information and radio signals of all types from around the world can by yours too.