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The Best Weight Loss Shakes to Use Along with An Exercise Regimen

20 december 2017

The Best Weight Loss Shakes to Use Along with An Exercise Regimen

It’s no secret that the key to weight loss requires a healthy diet and an exercise routine. When combined with those two things, adding weight loss shakes to the mix gives you the opportunity to lose weight faster. By consuming weight loss shakes, you will cut down the number of calories consumed each day while burning more fat during workouts. However, not all shakes will support your workout regimen. It is important to carefully pick the ingredients you put into your shakes and calculate the number of calories in them.

There is no universally effective weight loss shake for everyone. Every person is different! However, there are some things that are in weight loss shakes that are proven to work for the majority. It’s important to know what makes up a good weight loss shake, the first of which being protein and fiber content. Protein content

The best weight loss shake should contain an optimal amount of protein (15-20g). Anything less will not be able to sustain your weight loss journey. Protein helps to curb hunger and increases muscle synthesis providing more muscle power for exercise. However, not all protein is good protein. It is advisable to stick with whey and plant-based proteins which provide the needed workout nutrition.

Whey protein shakes can be used before your workouts to provide a quick energy boost. They are digested faster than other proteins and will provide you the energy needed to train harder and longer. Plant-based proteins on the other hand can be used for post-workout to aid muscle recovery and repair.

In order to lose weight, you will need to balance the number of calories you take in every day and make sure you are burning more than you consume. This is why the weight loss shakes should only contain an optimal amount of protein in them. 15-20g is considered the best range for weight loss, as taking more may jeopardize your efforts.

There are several whey protein powders available in the market and while finding one should not be a problem, it is important to carefully review each option and make sure it is right for you. It should be 100% natural with no added sugar. Other ingredients like Tri-plex proteins, minerals and vitamins can be included to improve nutrition.

Fiber content

Fiber-rich foods are some of the healthiest, not only for those who seek weight loss, but for everyone. Fiber passes through the gut untouched, as the human body cannot digest it, and is passed out. It is therefore perfect for those with digestion problems as it cleans the gut.

Although humans do not digest fiber, the bacteria living in the gut feed on these fibers and produce energy as a byproduct. Gut bacteria, also known as probiotics, are healthy and keep us safe from various pathogens and infections. Fiber is perfect for weight loss as it does not contribute to the calories taken, but still provides the satisfaction of a heavy meal. When you consume optimal amounts of fiber, at least 5g, you will feel full for longer. Fiber also reduces sugar cravings and subsequent meal portions.

As aforementioned, achieving weight loss is all about eating fewer calories than you burn. Fiber offers the opportunity to eat to your satisfaction without worrying about calories as it will not be digested. High fiber content is a characteristic of any meal replacement shake and will greatly benefit your exercise regimen. It does not only curb hunger and make you eat less often, but also provides energy needed to train harder.

Before choosing a weight loss shake, you should look at its fiber content to make sure it is the right amount. 5g and above should be healthy, but be careful not to eat too much fiber as it can lead to stomach issues and constipation especially if you do not take enough fluids.


The best weight loss solutions should contain optimal amounts of protein and fiber to provide workout energy and enough recovery nutrition. They should contain no sugar or gluten as these ingredients counter all weight loss efforts you have. Shakes should not only provide protein and fiber, but also vitamins and minerals. They should also contain various kinds of plant-based proteins instead of one kind. More importantly, they should be made from nutritious food options known to aid weight loss and support healthy lifestyles. These include cherries, strawberries, green vegetables and fruits. While you can blend your own at home, it is much easier to buy pre-made weight loss shakes for your exercise regimen.