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Aim for your company’s exceptional growth with the best Digital Marketing Agency in Newcastle, Marketify. We offer targeted efforts to establish a comprehensive online presence. Website:

What is App Store Optimization & how to promote an app? In today’s fast paced world where internet users want to perform online actions such as shopping, booking movie tickets, ordering groceries, in the quickest manner possible, there is no better place to be than mobile apps.

What is App Store Optimization & how to promote an app?

Right from entertainment and movie streaming apps to super fun game apps and shopping apps, billions of mobile apps are downloaded each year and the app market is constantly growing. Digital Marketing Company Australia. 5 Reasons Why Social Media Optimization is Important. With the number of social media users and average time spent on social media platforms per day rising to new levels, the significance of social media cannot be ignored especially in the marketing world.

5 Reasons Why Social Media Optimization is Important

How to boost website ranking in Google? Businesses of all kinds are entering a fierce competition to rank higher in Google search results.

How to boost website ranking in Google?

Such stiff competition is justified considering the fact that more than 90% clicks are made on the first page of Google. Over the years as this search engine giant’s bots grow smarter with AI assistance, achieving the first page ranking has become much more challenging. If you are looking for ways to boost your website ranking, take a look at these 7 expert tips. Website Speed : The biggest roadblock for higher google ranking could be your website’s loading speed. If your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, it can result in fewer page views, loss in conversions and decrease in customer satisfaction. Why should we focus on website conversion rate? – Marketify. Website Conversion rate can be defined as the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on the website during a time period.

Why should we focus on website conversion rate? – Marketify

If they are engaging with your website in a valuable manner upon visiting, it converts them from visitors to leads. The desired action might be downloading an e-book, filling up a contact form, signing up for a free consultation, completing a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, downloading a mobile app, or something else. It all depends on your web page’s primary goal. You can choose to measure the number of visitors who purchase your product, sign up for a newsletter or fill out a contact us form and calculate your website conversion rate. Once you understand which conversion goals are important for your own business, optimizing for conversions would be much easier and you’ll start to see how well your site performs.

SEO Services Newcastle. What is website conversion rate & how to measure? 6 reasons why SEO is so important to your business success – Marketify. As the buying habits of consumers today have exceedingly evolved, SEO flourishes as the most loved digital media trend for small and medium sized businesses.

6 reasons why SEO is so important to your business success – Marketify

Being harnessed for increasing searchability and visibility, there are several astonishing benefits of SEO that can really uplift a business. Here are a few reasons to convince you for including SEO in your brand growth strategy today: It helps increase organic traffic A critical factor contributing to a website’s performance, Organic Searches majorly influence the buyer funnel and ultimately help improve the conversions. As marketers know, Google is the most valued and popular search platform that contributes to a brand’s visibility. Why PPC advertising is important for your business success? – Marketify. In today’s competitive marketplace, businesses, whether small or big, must build a strong online presence and gain a competitive advantage to capture the market share.

Why PPC advertising is important for your business success? – Marketify

Digital Marketing Newcastle. Digital Marketing Agency Newcastle. 5 reasons why Digital Marketing is so important for Small Businesses – Marketify. Today businesses all around the globe are experiencing the impact of digital technology.

5 reasons why Digital Marketing is so important for Small Businesses – Marketify

They are largely utilizing the latest digital marketing methods to maximize their brand’s impact and brand awareness. In such a scenario, digital marketing is simply inevitable for small businesses to survive in the cut-throat competition or else they will lose the opportunity to other brands. Here are a few reasons why digital marketing is important for every small business that should convince you to adopt it today: Increase sales and revenues Digital marketing tools can help you generate more traffic that might turn into subscribers, leads and deals. Target the right audience.

How to get more traffic and conversions using the power of SEO? – Marketify. Any digital marketer can vouch for the fact that SEO Optimization is the proven method for getting your website the attention it deserves.

How to get more traffic and conversions using the power of SEO? – Marketify

It not only focuses on boosting the visibility in search engines, but also aims at mapping the experience of the customer when they visit the website. Intuitive details like the journey taken by the customer, time spent on the website, pages viewed, inbound and outbound links and more, can be easily derived through website analytics. This further helps implement the right SEO techniques for appropriate traffic and ranking. What is Digital Marketing & how it works? – Marketify. The digital platform is gaining more momentum than ever before.

What is Digital Marketing & how it works? – Marketify

It has become an integral part of our lives whether we are searching for information, interacting with new people or making a buying decision. From a marketing perspective, businesses cannot deny the importance of digital marketing if they want their business to flourish and make inroads into the local market. 5 benefits of social media marketing for startups – Marketify. People all over the world spend an ample amount of time on social networks, scrolling through their feeds, checking out pictures, talking, sharing, liking and commenting on the content of their interest.

5 benefits of social media marketing for startups – Marketify

The social media all alone acts as a source of entertainment, news, socialisation and even as a marketing platform for many small and big businesses. More than 54% of the people on these platforms use it as a place to check out new products and the latest fashion trends of their choice. The involvement of social media platforms in people’s daily lives has turned it into an astonishing marketing platform. Revealing the future of SEO – Marketify. SEO – Search Engine Optimisation – has long been an effective website traffic generating tool. SEO is nothing but the algorithmic increase in the number of visitors to your website through search engine results. Websites that appear on the first few pages of Google receive more than 95% of clicks, which simply means a lot of traffic. 5 ways to improve your keywords ranking in Google – Marketify.

Traditional tactics like keyword search, targeting, on-page content updates among others are gradually losing their luster due to changing Google algorithm. Furthermore, it is obvious that since all websites and businesses are unique using the same technique will not give optimum results. This calls for making some changes in the way we work on getting Google rankings. Your complete guide to using PPC Keywords. The PPC model or Pay-Per-Click model is one of the most effective ways to increase traffic to your website and generate leads for your business.

The PPC model or Pay-Per-Click model is one of the most effective ways to increase traffic to your website and generate leads for your business. An all-time favorite of digital marketing gurus, the best PPC strategy requires an in-depth analysis of audience trends and smart keyword research to derive the best results.

PPC keyword research is a continuous process. Companies do keyword research both at the beginning of launching the campaign and also continually upgrade the list as per changing search patterns and success rates. An effective PPC keyword list must be: SEO Services Company Newcastle, Australia. PPC Management Agency Newcastle, Australia. Digital Marketing Agency Newcastle, Australia.