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How to Design a Getting Started Process. The getting started process for an application is critical because it’s likely the first real experience that users have with your product or service.

How to Design a Getting Started Process

It’s also the first and possibly only opportunity to provide some meaningful value to new users, so they’re convinced to continue to engage with your company. The getting started process has to provide value in as little time as possible. It’s 2012, Why Aren’t You Using These Hacks In Your App? When building an application, there are standard best practices that are crammed down our throats.

It’s 2012, Why Aren’t You Using These Hacks In Your App?

We hear endless lessons about metrics, customer development, lean, etc. All of those are incredibly vital frameworks to guide you down what is commonly accepted as the “right path” in crafting your product. Intercom shows you your users for free. See who's new, who loves you, who's going to pay, who's going to quit.