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Top Games Chart. Best Games List. It’s pretty easy to find a list of “The Top 10 Dreamcast Games” or some similar ranking, but most of them were written back when the console was still on the retail scene and almost all of them only compare the games against other Dreamcast games.

Best Games List

This is all fine if the Dreamcast is the only console you own and ever plan to own. However, I know for a fact that most Dreamcast owners now are hardcore retro fans that happen to own a few different consoles — both old and new. There may also be a few gamers out there wondering if they should bother adding a Dreamcast to their collection. Because of this, I thought it would be a good idea to develop a list of games that are still relevant in today’s gaming market because of their unique gameplay that has not been improved upon on other consoles. Nulldc emulator. Development has kind of resumed as reicast -- might want to follow on Its still not as good as nullDC is, but we'll get there :) nullDC is an open source Dreamcast emulator Builds require the Visual C++ 2010 and DirectX 9c Runtimes.

nulldc emulator

You can fetch the Visual C++ 2010 Runtimes from: You can fetch the DirectX 9c Runtimes from: DCiSOZONE ROMS. SegaHub ISOs. ISOs Snesorama. NullDC Forum.