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AJAX APIs Playground. Opensocial-jquery - Google Code. OpenSocial JavaScript API is good, Lightweight JavaScript API is better, and OpenSocial jQuery is best. OpenSocial jQuery is jQuery based concise JavaScript Library for rapid OpenSocial Apps development. OpenSocial jQuery is designed to change the way that you write OpenSocial Apps. When you use it, you can develop OpenSocial Apps by the method of developing the website by jQuery. OpenSocial jQuery is a package of customized jQuery and plugins: Check out this SlideShare presentation: SocialWeb Conference vol.5 OpenSocial Night #2 - Building OpenSocial Apps using OpenSocial jQuery †フェイス女学園†(顔診断) - †フェイス女学園†の令嬢たちが、あなたのお顔をズバリ診断 ピコピコドミノ - ピコピコドミノはちょっと懐かしい8ビット風のドットキャラクターをならべて遊べる新感覚ドミノです マイミク適職診断 - かんたんな質問に答えるだけであなたのマイミクやあなた自身に向いているかもしれない職業を教えてくれるアプリです Gadgeta GeoNotes - Building Social Mashup Container with OpenStack OpenSocial Dashboard - Gadgets Dashboard like Mac OS X You can download it from the featured downloads box right on this page.

Opensocial-jquery has cross container compatibility. Always in touch with your friends. OpenSocial API Developer's Guide - OpenSocial - Google Code.