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Back in Shape

Back in Shape offers clients the flexibility of working out from home with an exclusive personal trainer or going to the studio to participate in fitness classes with individuals of all age levels or custom personal training. Owner Marjorie Jaffe, Personal Trainer in NYC, is one of New York City's most experienced and trusted private personal trainers. Her fitness studio, Back in Shape, was recognized as the Best Exercise Studio in New York by New York Magazine. She has also written several great fitness books for back pain, women's health, children and relaxation techniques. Along with being a skilled NYC personal trainer, Marjorie has extensive experience in treating both back and neck pain caused by sciatica, poor posture and more. Today she also specializes in senior personal training and creating holistic fitness programs.

Personal Training for Reducing Back Pain. Marjorie Jaffe: Back Pain Personal Trainer in NYC. Senior Fitness Training NYC by Marjorie Jaffe. Visit Marjorie Jaffe for Senior Fitness Training. Get Virtual Senior Personal Training by Marjorie Jaffe. Need a Virtual Senior Personal Trainer? Call Marjorie for Virtual Senior Personal Training. "As we age, we generally become more inactive.

Call Marjorie for Virtual Senior Personal Training

Hiring a Personal Trainer, who specializes in exercising with seniors and the elderly, will help restore overall fitness, health, and well-being. Regular exercise is known to help improve attitude and reduce depression. " -Marjorie Jaffe Getting older is often associated with the loss of flexibility, struggling to get out of bed and our bodies simply not being able to perform like they did in the past. As people get old they tend to slow down. Marjorie Jaffe's senior fitness programs are completely customized around your needs. Seniors, and the elderly, have the option of exercising at home, or private or public classes at her midtown Manhattan exercise studio. Back Pain Personal Training by Marjorie Jaffe. Exercises for Sciatica Sciatica is a specific form of low back pain that is known for being extremely painful.

Back Pain Personal Training by Marjorie Jaffe

It is caused by the sciatic nerve becoming compressed and often results also in radiating pain down the leg and in the hips as well as the back. Exercising is one of the best ways to stop the nerve compression. In some cases it can put an end to the compression entirely and completely stop the pain. Sufferers of sciatica often find themselves unable to sit for periods of time without pain. Personal BackPain Training by Professional. Contact Marjorie Jaffe for Back Pain Personal Training. Back pain can be common.

Contact Marjorie Jaffe for Back Pain Personal Training

It ranges from mild to severe, and from short-lived to chronic. Back pain also makes the completion of daily tasks more difficult than usual. An experienced back pain personal trainer can provide you the skills you need to obtain relief. A customized fitness plan addresses the source of your pain and includes the best exercises to reduce the particular pain. You want and deserve to feel better - the good news is that you can. Back Pain Personal Training. Marjorie Jaffe- Back Pain Personal Trainer. Home Personal Training for Seniors and Elderly. Home Personal Trainer for Seniors. Most seniors find it difficult to maintain a fitness schedule when they have to leave their homes.

Home Personal Trainer for Seniors

Marjorie Jaffe solves this problem by offering senior personal training services at your home. She will bring all the exercise equipment needed, making it simple for seniors to make healthy lifestyle changes. Making the trek to a local gym isn't always feasible for everyone. Private Personal Trainer for NYC Seniors. NYC private Personal trainer – Marjorie Jaffe. In-Home Personal Training for Seniors – Contact Marjorie Jaffe. Private Personal Trainers in NYC. Achieve Your Fitness Goals with Private Personal Training in NYC. How to keep your Brain Healthy as you get Older? Walking: Your Way to a Healthy Heart. How Family Caretakers Can Encourage the Elderly to Exercise? Family caretakers have a lot of responsibility and an enormous amount of worry regarding their elderly loved one.

How Family Caretakers Can Encourage the Elderly to Exercise?

It is a challenge to keep people healthy and motivated through their senior years. The desire to do everything for them and restrict their movement out of fear of an injury can cause harm. It is much more beneficial for everyone at any age to stay fit and strong. The elderly should never be prevented from being active. In fact, the addition of exercise to their daily routine could help them to become more independent.

Improve Health Conditions Seniors who exercise strengthen their muscles develop better balance and improve their health. Causes of Back Pain & How to Overcome it with Personal Training? A condition that either you or someone you know, young and old alike, has suffered from at one point in their lives is long-term back pain.

Causes of Back Pain & How to Overcome it with Personal Training?

That is because this type of body ache has a wide array of causes and underlying reasons. Depending on the severity of discomfort felt, some people may not seek a remedy for the problem beyond self-care. Let's look at the eight most common causes of chronic back pain to gain better insight into the issue from Marjorie Jaffe, a leading NYC personal trainer, and author on how to overcome severe or chronic suffering with back pain personal training. Muscle or Ligament Strain - Muscle or ligament strain is likely the most common reason for back pain. Pulled muscles can occur gradually over time due to repeated movements.

About the Author. Healthy 10-Minutes Recipes by a Home Personal Trainer in NYC. Preparing a healthy meal can be easy and done in as little as 10 minutes using, simple, leftover ingredients you already have in your refrigerator or pantry, such as chicken breasts, tofu, beans, rice, pasta, noodles, vegetables, and more.

Healthy 10-Minutes Recipes by a Home Personal Trainer in NYC

Power bowls provide a perfect solution for busy weeknights or cozy weekends and have become all the rage because they are hearty, contain filling ingredients, are easy to prepare, and can be fun and creative. They are so versatile, they can be assembled using any cooking method, including sautéed, stir fried, or left as a simple cold salad, etc., and they are just perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Building Your Bowl A power bowl is simply throwing some ingredients into a bowl for a quick, nutritious meal, and it's a great way to up the veggies while using refrigerated, frozen, or pantry items you already have on hand. Grains/Carbohydrates Step 2: Dice the chicken breast into strips. Step 3: Heat the prepared rice in your microwave.

Marjorie Jaffe - Personal Home Trainer in NYC. Best NYC Personal Trainer for Seniors: Marjorie Jaffe. Protein Shakes Benefits for Seniors by NYC Personal Trainer. Protein shakes are protein powders that have been mixed into a solution for ease of consumption.

Protein Shakes Benefits for Seniors by NYC Personal Trainer

Protein powders typically, are used to supplement your diet with extra protein in case you are not getting enough of it from your meals. Another reason is that, when you are on a workout regimen, your body depletes its protein sources faster as it uses protein to build muscle. This means that even though you get protein from your regular diet, you want to supplement it to adjust to your new requirements. Protein powder is the most preferred protein supplement because it contains all the nine essential amino acids necessary for your dietary needs. There are different types of protein powders, each with its distinct characteristics.

Exclusive Home Personal Training in NYC. Senior Fitness Training in NYC: Marjorie Jaffe. How Can Regular Exercise Improve Senior Long Term Health? The health benefits of exercise and physical activity is advantageous to everyone, regardless of age, sex, or physical ability.

How Can Regular Exercise Improve Senior Long Term Health?

However, all too often as we grow older, it prompts many people to think that exercise is no longer for them when, on the contrary, maintaining an active lifestyle becomes more important than ever to your health. In fact, research shows that remaining inactive over the years can lead to metabolic disorders and diseases associated with physical inactivity, which can significantly deplete your quality of life. 9 more ways regular exercise improves senior long-term health include: Helps Maintain a Healthy Weight With age, the metabolism begins to slow, which makes it more challenging to maintain a healthy weight.

Exercise boosts metabolism, increases muscle mass, and helps burn more calories, which helps you maintain a proper body weight. Helps Maintain Healthy Brain Function Exercise does wonders for the brain by keeping it active. Senior Fitness Training in NYC: Marjorie Jaffe. More About Marjorie Jaffe's Custom Fitness Plans We realize and acknowledge that everyone's bodies are different.

Senior Fitness Training in NYC: Marjorie Jaffe

Though there are some common effects of aging, everyone also ages different. Not everyone enters a new fitness routine at the exact same level of fitness as everyone else. seniors also have different fitness goals than younger people and even different goals from each other. For these reasons, your senior fitness trainer will give you one-on-one, individual attention and will also create a fully customized fitness plan just for you. Our personalized plans begin by looking at your current condition. We work very hard to really focus in on your needs. We can work on your posture. A lot of our exercise routines are done are floor mats. Weight Loss Home Personal Training Services in NYC. Nutribullet – Your Way to Good Health. A smoothie provides a delicious, no-fuss way to incorporate valuable nutrients into your daily diet. They require just a few ingredients and can be concocted using just about any flavors you like for a more enjoyable experience.

An ideal smoothie is smooth, fruity, and rich in nutrients, protein and dietary fat for energy. And when you use a NutriBullet extractor to incorporate your smoothies, you can enjoy the highest degree of nutrients your foods have to offer. The NutriBullet extraction method breaks down the cell wall of nuts, whole fruits, vegetables and other fibrous foods, enabling the maximum amount of nutrients to be released from inside the food. Simultaneously, pulp, fiber and skins are also broken down into a more digestible form to be absorbed by the body. To incorporate a smoothie into your day, try one of these delicious smoothie recipes, which can be easily combined using a blender or the NutriBullet.

Pineapple Ginger Smoothie Ingredients Directions 1. 2. Elderly Home Exercise Program NYC: Back in Shape. Get Senior Personal Training in NYC. Get the Best Home Exercise Program for Elderly. None of our elderly exercise routines are done sitting in a chair. We literally don't want you to take getting older sitting down. Our exercises are all done on a floor mat. Don't worry though, we'll teach you how to safely get down onto the floor and also how to get back up again. The good news is that the more you exercise the easier these tasks will be. At first you may need help, but eventually you'll be able to do it on your own. Our at home personal training sessions include light cardio, stretching and also breathing exercises.

We also teach nostril breathing techniques. Importance of Regular Exercise for the Elderly. Increased age doesn't have to be synonymous with decreased mobility, a loss of independence and a more sedentary lifestyle. Regular exercise comes with benefits for people of all ages, but is particularly important for senior citizens and the elderly. In fact, people aged fifty and up are strongly encouraged to implement a workout routine into their lives if they haven't already.

NYC Back Pain Personal Trainer: Marjorie Jaffe. Elderly Exercise Program in NYC. We're just a call away. Never quit, remain strong and fit! Woman Staying Active with a Elderly Exercise Prorgam at Home Why don’t you stand up while you’re reading this web page? As we get older, our lives become more sedentary. And when we sit, that forever principle of gravity just keeps pulling us down.

We are not recommending that you spend more time lying down. Free Exercise Classes in NYC Stay In Shape Studio Midtown Manhattan. We're just a call away. Never quit, remain strong and fit! Come Down and Join Us for a Free Exercise Class in NYC Want to check what’s going on at the Stay in Shape studio? We’d welcome you as our guest, for a free exercise class or a private fitness evaluation.

You’ll jump into a friendly, comfortable positive environment. Our class members are a variety of ages, but the people in your class will share the same goals you have. Private Personal Training in NYC at Our Midtown Studio. We're just a call away. Never quit, remain strong and fit! Core Training Classes in NYC. We're just a call away. Never quit, remain strong and fit! NYC Fitness Trainer - Stay In Shape. We're just a call away.

NYC Home Personal Training. We're just a call away. Never quit, remain strong and fit! Senior Personal Training for Men at Home. Back Pain Personal Training in NYC with Marjore Jaffe. We're just a call away. Never quit, remain strong and fit! Custom Personal Training NYC. We're just a call away. Personal Training In NYC Marjorie Jaffe NYC Personal Trainer. Marjorie Jaffe NYC Personal Trainer for Seniors and Elderly. We're just a call away. Never quit, remain strong and fit! Senior Personal Training at Home. We're just a call away. Never quit, remain strong and fit! Senior personal training at home does place emphasis on your training, on improving your mobility and flexibility, but the home training also serves your needs. It works around your schedule, monitoring your progress, spotting any areas of trouble while you lead your life to the fullest.