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Mariya James

I am a full stack developer who also loves to share her knowledge about her field through blogs.

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Hire Laravel Developers India. A Comprehensive Guide To Create Blockchain In Python. 10 Top PHP Frameworks For Robust Web Development (1) Top iOS Development Tools To Build Robust Apps 2021. PHP or Node.JS: Which Web Development framework is better? Hire WordPress Developers India. Application Development Company India. Custom Software Development Services. Top 5 reactjs development companies. Shopify Vs Magento Vs Woo Commerce- A Glimpse Into Staggering Insights. Top 5 iOS & iPhone App Development Companies List 2021.

In this digital age, mobile phones have become our biggest trend, and we are left with no choice but to invest in these digital assets that have been ruling the digital world.

Top 5 iOS & iPhone App Development Companies List 2021

It all began in 2007 when Steve Jobs launched Apple’s first iPhone. Today, despite the proliferation of Android, iOS app development companies and developers that work with them still benefit from developing iOS apps to build, deploy, and generate substantial revenue from hundreds of apps each year. Users have downloaded more than 57.6 billion apps as of the third quarter of 2018. Among them, there were more than 41.9 billion Android apps. However, in terms of revenue, the iOS App Store earned $25.5 billion, nearly double the Android app revenue of $14.2 billion. Image source It is true that both the number of Android users, the number of Android apps, and the number of downloaded applications on the Google play store is far more than the iOS system. Why? Stay connected to explore the entire list! Pin on Retail & eCommerce App. Hire Best iOS App Developers. Hire PHP developers india. How Coronavirus is changing eCommerce ?? -

Global coronavirus cases top 38.8 million: Johns Hopkins.

How Coronavirus is changing eCommerce ?? -

The overall number of global coronavirus cases has topped 38.8 million, while the deaths soared to more than 1,097,180, according to Johns Hopkins University. The novel Coronavirus proved better off everything. The LOCKDOWN phase put the economy to a screeching halt by putting all economic activities on a ventilator. However, for the eCommerce industry, it proved–a silver lining in the dark cloud. It opened avenues of opportunities and helped the industry reach everyone –nook and corner to register bumper sales. This COVID-19 impact on e-commerce business has increased virtual shopping leading to massive e-commerce growth across the globe. According to the Digital Commerce 360 study, online spending with U.S. retailers grew by 30.1% with $ 60.42 billion – year-over-year for the first six months of 2020– to reach a total of $347.26 billion.

AWS VS AZURE VS GOOGLE CLOUD WHICH PLATFORM IS BEST. Top 5 Banking & Financial Software Development Companies. The usage of banking applications has prudently increased across the world.

Top 5 Banking & Financial Software Development Companies

Fintech worldwide transaction value is expected to surpass $8 million. Being the fastest growing market, it has become a major investment interest among people. Blockchain Real-World Applications. AWS Cloud Consulting Services. TOP 5 CLOUD SERVICES COMPANIES .pdf. SHOPIFY VS. Shopify vs. Magento vs. WooCommerce. Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce empower the majority of all top-notch 100,000 eCommerce websites across the globe.

Shopify vs. Magento vs. WooCommerce

Currently, Shopify has crossed the mark of 5,00,000 consumers, Magento consistently had more than 250,000 websites for a very long time, and WooCommerce has reached millions of active websites. The majority of big organizations having websites around the world have chosen one of these platforms to build their astonishing, customized, and beautiful eCommerce websites. Although these eCommerce development platforms are excellent at their own places, choosing between the three is quite tough. Precisely, Magento is quite popular amongst the three but Shopify and WooCommerce are gaining traction from the past few years.

To clear out the confusion i.e. Let’s check out the difference between the three in the answer below. Best eCommerce Website Features to Boost Sales in 2020 2021. Top 5 eCommerce Development Companies. Integrate Best ECommerce Website Features To Boost Sales In 2020-2021 - DEV. 7 BEST RPA USE CASES. Blockchain use cases applications. Top 5 Thought-Provoking Use Cases Of Blockchain In Banking & Finance Sector. Image Source: Blockchain technology has a huge crowd around it that cherishes and admires its capabilities.

Top 5 Thought-Provoking Use Cases Of Blockchain In Banking & Finance Sector

Though, banking and finance industry experts share a great devotion to this technology. By 2018, 90% of European and U.S financial and banking institutions have started blockchain technology adoption. The major reason behind it is that this technology is able to reduce the cost of banking infrastructure by 30%. TOP 5 ECOMMERCE PLATFORMS TO LAUNCH ONLINE STORE & ROCKET UP SALES converted. Top 5 eCommerce Platforms To Launch Online Store. Are you engaged in retail business and want to boost sales?

Top 5 eCommerce Platforms To Launch Online Store

Top Blockchain Technology Development Companies List. The global blockchain market is predicted to surge from $3.0 billion in 2020 to $39.7 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 67.3% during the 2020-2025 period.

Top Blockchain Technology Development Companies List

Whenever we hear the word “Blockchain”, we start thinking about it as an ingenious innovation and one of the best & safest technologies till now. Blockchain is a system of keeping records & details in a way that it becomes very difficult or we would say difficult to hack, change, or cheat. Blockchain is mainly a digital ledger of transactions that are distributed and duplicated across the network of computer systems on the blockchain. Top 10 Business Intelligence Tools List. Business Intelligence (BI) is a set of processes, technologies, and architectures that transform raw data into meaningful information; this helps startups, SMEs, and large enterprises to make a profitable business decision.

Top 10 Business Intelligence Tools List

What ARE Business Intelligence Tools? BI tools are the sort of software employed to assemble, process, investigate, and envision large volumes of past, current, and future data; this is done to generate actionable business insights, create communal reports, and clarify the decision-making processes. Important Stats Related to BI and its tools: eCommerce Development Company. Top Three Things You Can Do With Python In 2018. Python is in a great demand these days even after a decade of it’s release.

Top Three Things You Can Do With Python In 2018

It has become the first choice of every next coder as it is easy to learn. It is a perfect tool for the web programming job. In fact, it is also very popular among start-ups and data scientists. Due to its extreme logical and light features, Python is counted among top 5 coding languages which clearly indicates how impactful it will be in the coming years. In addition, installation programs such as Anaconda can do incredible things with several operating systems (OS). This means that beginners and experienced veterans will have access to millions of lines of code that can be easily taken from highly skilled python developers (in the world) and used by anyone. PHP Developers - Details - Gate.IO on establishing trust in the blockchain. Marie Tatibouet is the CMO at Gate.IO.

Gate.IO on establishing trust in the blockchain

Below she will share will share some key tips to ensure you establish trust within your blockchain project, including funding, showing a clear roadmap of your project, ‘Know Your Customer’ process and the best solutions to keep customer investments safe. The Trust Technology The Digital World and Blockchain Technology. ValueCoders is on DesignFirms. ValueCoders helps its clients strengthen their business application and manage their growth, and guides them from scratch in Android, iOS, content management, ecommerce and .Net.

The firm has been consulting clients and helping them build scalable, smart mobile/web strategies for years. Being engaging, empathetic, exceptional and immensely creative, the firm strives to deliver right and often easy solutions for all that a business needs in mobile or web. Data Management Platform at Cyprus Hospital. Blockchain possesses incredible potential, that's why blockchain systems are considered as a paradise for data. In all these years, the discovery of Blockchain has been enjoyed for the introduction of distributed systems to secure data by cryptography.