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Nonfiction Reading Comprehension Gr. 5-6 - Sarah Fomara. Language Arts Games, Stories, Activities and More for Grades K – 8 « Around the World in Eight Months. Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays for the Classroom. Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays Readers Theater is a dramatic presentation of a written work in a script form. Readers read from a "script" and reading parts are divided among the readers. No memorization, costumes, blocking, or special lighting is needed. Presentations can easily be done in a k-3 classroom. Scripts are held by the readers. Lines are not memorized. "Reader's Theater proved to be almost a magic solution for Griffith: In just 10 weeks of using RT, every child in her class had gained a full grade level in reading. Update - July 08. L.O.V.E. – activity/lesson plan | ELT stories.

St. Valentine’s day is approaching so here’s a lesson plan on the topic of love and friendship. Students warm up by playing a word game (stages 4-5) that encourages them to think deeper about what they read into a range of concepts related to love and friendship andpushes them to recall vocabulary on these topics The lesson ends in a discussion activity (stage 6). Level: B1-C1Length: 30-60 min (depending on whether you do the discussion activity)Focus: speaking (a conversation class)Materials: Worksheet Stage One. (Collage produced using [Optional] If the students came up with the topic of St. Say ‘I’m thinking of one of these pictures. Unitysupportfriendshipvow (for a B2-C1 class) Get the students to quiz each other in new pairs: one person chooses a picture and says their associations, the second guesses which picture is being described; listen in an board some of the students’ associations. Stage Two.

Stage Three. Stage Four. Stage Five. Love is Blind - level 1. Hi Lang I’m writing in English to practise. I’m sorry I didn’t answer your email. I started school the day after we arrived in Boston and I’ve got too much work to do. I hate it here. I miss Shanghai and I miss playing in the band with you. Hey, I’ve got to stop. Please write back soon. Deshi PS: I think I’m in love! Deshi turned off the computer and opened his English book, but it was difficult to concentrate on irregular verbs.

Deshi couldn’t sleep that night and he was late for school the next morning. School didn’t go well that day. Deshi thought about how unhappy he was as he went down the stairs. Brendan Dunne. Love is Blind - level 2. Hi Lang I’m writing in English because I know we both need to practise. Thanks for your last email. I’m sorry I didn’t write back sooner. I started school the day after we arrived in Boston and I’m very busy with extra work. I hate it here. I miss Shanghai and I miss playing in the band with you.

I’ve got to stop now. Please write back soon. Deshi PS: I think I’m in love! Deshi turned off the computer and opened his English book. Deshi couldn’t sleep that night and he got up late the next morning. He had a terrible day at school. Later that evening, Deshi was in his room, practising his guitar with the headphones on. Deshi went down to the street feeling really unhappy. Without thinking, he picked it up. Love is Blind - level 3. Hi Lang I’m going to write to you in English from now on because we both need the practice. Thanks for your email. I’m sorry I didn’t write back to you before now, but I started school the day after we arrived in Boston and I’ve been too busy. I hate it here.

I miss Shanghai so much and I miss playing in the band with you. Hey, I’ve got to stop now. Please write back soon. Deshi PS: I think I’m in love! Deshi turned off his computer and opened his English book. That night, Deshi couldn’t sleep and he was late for school next morning. School didn’t go well that day. Deshi was feeling miserable as he went down the stairs. Länktips. Länktips Engelska länkar för att hitta inspiration och planeringar på, men även för att skapa egna böcker, men även gratis material att printa ut. Jag har försökt dela in dem efter förmågorna mer om respektive förmåga finns under flikarna i vänster menyn. Men först en mycket användbar sida för oss språklärare är Språklänkportalen. Tala Lyssna Om. Multimedia-English - learn real English, prepare for real life.

The Literacy Shed