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Android Development DACH. Crash Reporting. Getting Started with Android Development - Evangelism. A lot of people are coming to Android development from a Windows Silverlight or WPF background, and whilst there are quite a few “getting started with Android Development” blogs, tutorials and even websites to be found all over the internet, there’s almost no help for the crucial step zero of getting started – setting up the development environment.

Getting Started with Android Development - Evangelism

Android applications are (for the most part) developed in Java. In principle, this gives you a lot of freedom for your choice of development, debugging and test environment. In practice though, you’re going to be using the Eclipse IDE along with the android specific plugins, SDKs, toolkits, debuggers, emulators and drivers. Getting all of this running really isn’t all that complicated but for the uninitiated, the jargon and interdependencies can be a little confusing, so I’m going to go through the whole thing one step at a time.

The IDE.