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Hot dog octopus. Cosas que pasan: El Club del tupper, 4º reto: Muffins salados. Parece que fue ayer cuando empezamos y ya vamos por la cuarta receta. Este mes me tocaba a mi elegir y la verdad la decisión ha sido dura. Primero pensé proponer un plato de mi tierra, pero aquí el tema matanza no se ha oído ni en pintura y el bacalao desalado es una cosa rara que comen los españoles. Nada. Descartado. Después pensé en un plato típico de mi país de adopción, pero claro, el reno no es un producto fácil de encontrar en cualquier carnicería. Al final, tomé el camino del medio y decidí proponer algo fácil y que siempre saca de un apuro. Esta receta es un éxito en esta casa y se lo debemos todo a Silvia (Trotamundos). Bueno, pues vamos con la receta.

Estos son los ingredientes que necesitáis: Y aquí van las instrucciones: Si queréis ver el paso a paso de Silvia, os dejo el link dónde la encontré. Lo bueno de esta receta es que admite muchas variaciones. Os animo a salir de picnic, a montar una fiesta en casa o a variar una de esas cenas aburridas y monótonas. ¡Qué aproveche! Orlando Restaurant Appetizers. Oh Versatile Calzones – Cheezy Spinach Version. I was initially going to make these on the grill, but then I remembered my Grilled Peaches Pizza and I sort of chickened out… so I decided to make abstraction of the intense summer heat and fired up the oven instead.

Oh Versatile Calzones – Cheezy Spinach Version

Yeah, the house got hot[ter], but it was very well worth it! What a delicious and filling and satisfying dish this was! You know, I can’t think of a dish that’s more versatile than calzones, really. They are highly portable and you can eat them hot or cold, so that makes them an ideal dish to take with you to work for lunch;Of course, they’re aslo perfect for picnics, for you don’t need much else than a napkin to enjoy them if you’re gonna eat them cold;If you prefer to reheat them, can easily do so in the microwave or toaster oven;You could have them for breakfast, lunch, supper, snack… you can basically eat them whenever, wherever! You can make them ahead of time and keep them in the freezer wrapped in aluminum foil. Of course, the version that you see here is super healthy! Baked Potato Grilled Cheese. Behold my latest creation…THE BAKED POTATO GRILLED CHEESE! After the glory that was the Brocolli & Cheddar Soup Grilled Cheese , I began racking my brain for what other wonderful things I could deconstruct into grilled cheese format.

Soon enough I had envisioned this piece of grilled cheese heaven! I mean how can you go wrong with fried potatoes, bacon, cheese, sour cream and chives all made into a melty grilled cheese? So here is how I went about making it. The Baked Potato Grilled Cheese 2-3 Strips of Bacon 1 Potato 2 tbsp of Sour Cream Cheddar Cheese Green Onions/Chives 2 Slices of Bread Butter Canola Oil Garlic Powder.