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CGSource Complete Wood Textures. CGSource Complete Wood Textures | 3.0 Gb Collection highest quality wood textures from CG-Source About is a site dedicated to deliver the highest quality textures possible. The quality and resolution is unmatched by any other site. The current average resolution is 101 megapixels per texture. Overview More info: visit my blog Name: CG-Source Version: Complete Wood TexturesCreator: englishFormat: .jpgOS: Windows XP / Vista / SevenSize: 3.0 Gb Includes 658 textures from 1952x388 to 12000x12000 pixels. All parts on,,, interchanged. No mirrors please. Making of Loft. At least the lamps on the steel joists have the same settings like the small ones on the tables. I wanted to create a night scene so I just turned off the Vray sky map in the environment slot and set the color to totally black to not receive any light from outside.

The daylight light settings are just made with the Vray Sky map and the direct light. I did not change the VrayPhisicalCamera settings for the different light settings what you can see here. To block some light from outside me added some trees from iTree. I rendered a ZDepth for each rendering for the DoF effect in Photoshop. At least some corrections in Photoshop and adding some DoF and done. Download the Scene. VRay Physical Camera examples. VRay Tutorial Cámara Física - VISCORBEL. If you haven’t used a manual photo camera in real life, this tutorial is for you! As a photographer, I’ve always found the settings for VRay Physical Camera very natural and self-explanatory. So it came as a bit of a surprise to find out how many people actually find them frustrating and hard to understand!

So here’s my attempt to simplify it a bit! Focal Length This is the first parameter you should pay attention to. It is set in millimeters and works just like changing a lens on a SLR camera. Keep it realistic! It is scientifically proven that the focal length of a human eye is ~45mm so images rendered with this value will look most natural to people. SLR cameras use lenses from 6mm to 800, but most of the time it’s more like 16mm to 300mm. Sure, it might be fun to use very wide lenses, but it distorts the images quite a bit and should be used only when absolutely necessary. Framing your shot Ok, so how do you actually frame the shot? Vertical/Horizontal Shift Exposure (Brightness) Vignetting. Vray: configuración de materiales (Primera Parte) Vray es una muy buena opción para reemplazar el motor de render mental ray y el estándar en Autodesk 3ds Max.

Si bien los efectos que se logran son muy superiores a los que se obtienen con otros motores de render, es importante tener en cuenta que para trabajar con Vray es necesario hacerlo en una computadora poderosa, dado su consumo de recursos. Los materiales y la iluminación son la esencia del render. Una correcta configuración y asignación de materiales a los objetos son fundamentales para que el resultado final sea el esperado. Ni hablar de la iluminación, tema que dejaremos para otro momento. El objetivo de este artículo es introducir a los usuarios en el manejo básico de Vray, comenzando por la configuración del motor de render para luego trabajar con las distintas variables destinadas a la configuración de los materiales.

Configuración de Vray Para orientarse mejor incluimos un detalle que muestra paso a paso cómo debe realizarse la configuración de Vray. Creación de la escena. Materiales avanzados. Si te gusta este tutorial, por favor, escribe un comentario o sugerencia en la sección "Guest Book". Gracias © COPYRIGHT José María Andrés Martín (ALZHEM) La reproducción total o parcial de este tutorial está terminantemente prohibida sin una previa autorización escrita por parte de José María Andrés Martín (ALZHEM) Materiales Avanzados ¡Trabajo terminado! Pero… ¿qué es lo que falla? Hemos trabajado el modelado de nuestra escena, la iluminación… pero hay algo que sigue diciendo que es una imagen de síntesis. En este tutorial crearemos varios materiales básicos muy utilizados en la configuración de una escena “Standard”, enumerando y explicando paso a paso cada parte del proceso. Para que este tutorial se pueda entender, vamos a explicar brevemente unos conceptos básicos en la creación de cualquier material: Color: tono cromático propio de un objeto.

Hacer esta reflexión es bastante sencillo: Una vez visto esto estamos preparados para comenzar con nuestros materiales. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. Y tú has roto el mmo Gama! Quanta confusione è possibile creare intorno alla magica parolina “GAMMA“? Purtroppo dietro il dubbio che ci sfugga ancora qualcosa, cova spesso la speranza che i nostri render non siano ancora a certi livelli (trad.: ci fanno schifo) perché il gamma non è ancora usato a dovere. E così ogni pincopalla nel mondo che scrive quattro menate che iniziano con “gamma”, diventa la nuova speranza per la svolta definitiva. Questo post ha una storia e come tutte le storie, una morale. Ma prima di arrivarci proverò a far chiarezza sull’argomento a modo mio.

E ti avviso subito: non sto per svelarti una beata cippa segreta. Non sto per trasformare i tuoi render in opere virtuose, spero solo di attivare un ragionamento… lo stesso che dovrebbe accompagnarci in ogni decisione e non dovrebbe farci accogliere qualsiasi “tutorial” del mondo come oro colato. Ma autorevoli ‘dde chè?! Sì.. ho capito, vuoi sapere a chi mi rivolgo. Dunque Le 6 righe appena lette sono tutto quello che c’è da sapere sul Gamma. Note. Consejos para optimizar la prestación - Tutorial vray. ( Rendering di Alessio Fiorini – Lavoro finale del corso / Roma ) Tempo fa ho scritto un articolo in cui davo dei suggerimenti per velocizzare la fase di settaggio: Migliorare la fase preparatoria del rendering. Ma cosa possiamo dire in merito al rendering finale? Negli ultimi giorni ho chiacchierato con Alessio ed Andrea dell’ultimo corso Romano (ciao ragazzi! ;) i quali erano alle prese con problemi di memoria, crash, tempi troppo alti e così via.

Problemi legati alla gestione e l’ottimizzazione del rendering finale con V-Ray (per 3ds MAx). Butto giù a mo’ di appunti alcune delle cose che ci siamo detti in merito all’ottimizzazione di immagini statiche, potrebbero tornarci utili prima o poi :-) Il pc può andare in crash perché non ha molta memoria in cui conservare informazioni durante la fase di rendering. Comprare un pc super-nuovo con 12Gb di memoria (e vaff…!) Ecco come si fa: Fai lo stesso per salvare i dati della light cache: La procedura è identica. Todo depende. Tutorial sobre los mapas de reflexión. 3ds Max y V-Ray. All’ultimo – bellissimo - Workshop nelle Marche, Alessandro Pellegrini ha realizzato un eccellente Render finale. Voglio mostrarvelo perché merita davvero.

Prendo spunto per dire qualcosa sulle Mappe di Riflessione. Nell’immagine che segue la riflessione è presente ed è glossata, cioè non lucida. A parte le fughe che sono state modellate in 3D, il resto della superficie riflette in modo uniforme, ovvero le riflessioni si spalmano allo stesso modo sull’intera superficie. Ecco un dettaglio della scena, che ce la fa apprezzare ancora un po’ : Ma volendo simulare un legno un po’ invecchiato, la riflessione uniforme non va bene.

Per questo materiale useremo 2 mappe: 1 – Una nel canale Diffuse (la classica texture che solitamente vediamo) 2 – Un’altra nel canale Reflecion Ecco come appaiono, tanto per farci subito un’idea.. Questo è un modo semplice per impostare il nostro materiale legno “invecchiato” : 1) Riflessione (no) : la riflessione è a zero, c’è solo una texture nel canale diffuse.

El equilibrio de las luces. Quando lavoro ad un rendering, solitamente divido la produzione in 4 step. Sono per me un aiuto a tenere sotto controllo l’evolversi del lavoro: Bilanciamento delle luci (con materiale generico)Correzione dell’esposizione (dopo l’applicazione delle texture)Aggiunta riflessioni (lucide e meno lucide)Preparazione al render finale Immagino questi 4 passaggi come una collina da superare: Un inizio ripido, un punto di riposo e verifica, per finire con discesa lunga ma molto più semplice. Nel 1° step si tratta “solo” di mettere le luci in scena, stabilire chi comanda (luce primaria) e di conseguenza aggiungere le luci secondarie, di schiarita, faretti e così via. Paradossalmente questo è – da un punto di vista tecnico - lo step più semplice, ci sono infatti pochi parametri a cui badare, ma è artisticamente il momento più complesso.

Un bilanciamento delle luci ben riuscito tridimensionalizza l’immagine, ci fa cogliere i volumi e dà profondità. . - In collaborazione con - Tadao Ando 4X4 - Formación completa | Blog Cg. Share with your friends! All contents for this Interactive Course: Relevant topics covered: 3 lessons designed by a V-Ray Licensed Instructor®60 mins narrated HD VideosMAX FILES to download with all V-Ray SettingsMAX FILES to practise / exercisesthe lights hierarchy;How to use an HDRI? An easy approach for “Magic Hour” renders;Vraylight Dome with Vraysky and HDRI;How to save time with “VRaylights Substitutes”;Use a V-Ray camera for chromatic contrast;Multi sub-object material ID + Object ID + UVWmap ID;How to map different channels with UVWmap;How Unwrap UVW works;How to make a water material;How to use opacity channel;How to make a bonfire.Get alpha channel with V-Ray Dome;How to choose the right background;Evaluating perspective;FAD technique (extract hidden details);Creating the chromatic contrast;PROGLOW technique;Best VIGNETTING technique;Useful shortcuts for photoshop;No HDRI to achieve great result!

Subscribe and access this Interactive Course + more 9 courses: for 1 year! Creación de Pisos fotorrealistas | Blog Cg. Share with your friends! Did you saw how realistic is the floor in Delicate Room? > CLICK HERE This is because the floor is not a flat plane with a texture map but it’s modeled! Now I’ll show you how to create photorealistic 3d floors using FloorGenerator to achieve this results: You also will see how create funny run-down floor like that: To do that we need two free scripts, so register to Cg-Source (for free), then download and install: SCRIPT 1: Floor Generator (to install it just click on MAXScript >Run Script..)SCRIPT 2: Multi Texture (to install it, choose your 3ds max version, put it into “plugins” folder) The good news is that FloorGenerator is soo simple to use! NOTE: If you also want to map reflections do the same I did for diffuse. TIP: If you want to achive a perfect result the texture must have the same proportions of the pieces of wood.

ATTENTION: Assigning texture with “MultiTexture” you can’t see the preview in the viewport! Have a great day! Clean up geometry of objects in 3ds Max | Mladen Gradev. You import an object in 3ds Max and you see that it does not look good at all. All polygons are made of triangles, rather than ordered and correct geometry. Is this familiar to you? This happens when you want to use objects which are converted into formats such as .3ds, .odj, .dxf and others. 3ds Max can recognize those formats and you can successfully insert them in your scenes. In this article I would like to present you a few ways to deal with this problem. Manual processing Some time ago I came across these two video tutorials from which we can learn some interesting tricks about how to clean up geometry of objects manually. . … while Xoio rely more on remodeling the objects to clean up geometry. QuadrifyAll+ Fortunately Branko Živković was inspired by Viz People`s video and created the script QuadrifyAll+, which automatically attempts to clear the geometry of objects from triangular polygons.

Download QuadrifyAll+ Photorealistic Grass - Tutorial nuevo video de Viz-Gente | Gradev Mladen. In Viz-People`s webpage was posted new video tutorial presenting in details how to create photorealistic grass in 3ds Max. The process begins from modeling the individual blades, grouping and transforming them into vray proxy objects, continues with scattering the grass on terrain and ends with the post production. Creation of materials for grass and soil is not omitted too. As you can see from the video itself and the picture above, this method is good for renders, where grass and vegetation are in the foreground. The good thing is that you have to model the grass groups just once, and then you can use them repeatedly in your scenes. To complete everything from this video tutorial, you’ll need an additional script for scattering the grass.

For this purpose you can use Advanced Painter or Ultimate Painter. Diez Scripts gratis para 3ds Max. Ten useful and free scripts for 3ds Max, which can help you to speed up your work. They concern parts of modeling, lighting, cameras and others. Vray Light Lister This script replaces the built-in light lister with one that incorporates support for VRay Lights and VRay Suns. Author: Anthony McLinOfficial website: www.anthonymclin.comCompatible with 3dsMax: 7 or higherCompatible with V-Ray: 1.5 or higher Download Vray Light Lister Vray Cam Lister It`s a simple script for VRayPhysicalCameras management in your scene.

Author: Alexander Kramer (Track)Official website: Download Trackscripts Sweep Profile Script for a quick and convenient applying of profiles to shape with a modifier Sweep. Vray Ambient Occlusion This script renders an ambient occlusion pass with VRay from any scene – without changing anything. Author: Marc LorenzOfficial site: noneCompatible with 3ds Max: 5 or higherCompatible with V-Ray: 1.5 or higher Download Vray Ambient Occlusion Advanced Painter Center Pivot. Blog | VRayART Arco. Viz. formación en línea. Over the past 4 years, VRayART has coached over 1000 Architects and Interior Designers across more than 23 different countries. AND each time our METHOD was proven to be the most successful for achieving PHOTO-Realistic LOOK!

But our Lighting & Rendering METHOD isn’t the big discovery. And even though we’ve proven it across thousands of VRay Users in 23 different countries. I’ve never publicly shown VRay 3.0 in REAL ACTION. Now here’s what’s really amazing! The big discovery is how we ultimately cracked the code to SUPER Clean 3D Renders, that could supply amazing results … Over and over again. The fact remains that YOU and I have an incredible advantage because … Hardly Anyone Is Using It! In the past 6 months, we’ve performed more than 3,000 split tests across working-stations and render farms …and they all boiled down to one thing.

Fastest Path To PHOTOREALISTIC Rendering Even though the process is fairly simple … Uncover A Simple Five-Step Process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why it Works For Everyone! 1. 2.