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Snapchat : une nouvelle messagerie qui en dit long. À la fin du mois de mars 2016, Snapchat a mis en ligne une grosse mise à jour de son application. Si celle-ci intègre une navigation plus simple dans la section Stories, elle implique aussi une grosse refonte dans la messagerie instantanée de l’application. Nous avions publié en janvier 2016 des images de ce qui semblait être un tout nouveau service de messagerie dans Snapchat.

Sans pouvoir prédire si cela serait véritablement mis en ligne ou non. C’est donc deux mois plus tard que le petit fantôme officialise cette mise à jour. Ce chat 2.0 montre la volonté de Snapchat de se positionner comme un concurrent direct de Facebook Messenger. Le ton est désormais donné, le futur des réseaux sociaux sur mobile se jouera dans leur capacité à maitriser un système de messagerie instantanée. Source : Snapchat. The Ins and Outs of Pinterest SEO: How To Build a Strong Foundation. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial to any online marketing strategy. And while everyone knows that Google is a search engine, there's another powerful, and often overlooked, search engine to consider: Pinterest. Especially with the new updates, such as the Smart Feed, Pinterest is tailoring the way pins are viewed on a user’s feed to help provide better and more relevant content.

Many companies and bloggers overlook Pinterest when optimizing their content, and this is a huge opportunity for you to gain a competitive edge. Here are the main best practices when it comes to optimizing for Pinterest. Quick Wins SEO is a long-term game, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a few quick wins at the start. 1) Verify Your Website Verifying your website directly affects your placement in search results. Verifying your domain gives your followers easy access to your website and, most importantly, it gives you more creditability with Pinterest. 2) Username & Account Name 3) Search Visibility. New comScore Traffic Report Underlines the Strength of Facebook, Rise of Snapchat. Social networking now accounts for one in every five minutes spent on the internet. This is one of the many insights outlined in comScore’s ‘2016 Cross-Platform Future in Focus’ whitepaper, which examines overall traffic data and how it relates to a range of web and digital trends.

The data's primarily based on comScore’s MMX Multi-Platform measurement system, which translates de-duplicated audience size numbers, demographic composition and engagement performance across more than 300,000 digital media entities. Using comScore’s wide-ranging data tools, the whitepaper examines the key trends and behaviors driving digital consumption in 2016, including the adoption of social channels and mobile devices, and how those advances are re-shaping our wider communications landscape. As noted by comScore: “The strength of this category, along with Email and IM, highlights that one of digital’s primary functions is for communication – now more so than ever with the rise of mobile.”