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Modeling a Female Head tutorial. Welcome! You are new, aren't you? is the number one 3d tutorials site on the web. We provide you the best free CG tutorials in the universe. Become part of our creative community and Join us today. “Modeling A Female Head ” by Peter Ratner Over the years I? Figure 2 shows the tools used in Maya. Since my art students prefer to look at pictures rather than read text, I try to keep my tutorials? The Head Steps 1-11 You need quality images for modeling a female. Steps 31-40 These steps have you adding and deleting more edges so that the topology is more accurate and follows the contours of the muscles. Steps 41-49 This set of instructions show you how to complete the nose except for the nostrils.

Steps 50-61 Creating the nostrils, forehead, and eye area are covered here. Steps 62-77 Completing the eye area and mouth are the focus of these steps. Steps 78-97 These show the main parts to modeling the inside bowl of the ear as well as the outer rim. Modeling a low-poly LCD monitor in 3D Studio Max | 3D Valley. This tutorial will show you how to model an LCD monitor in 3D Studio Max using basic of box modeling techniques. This tutorial is suitable for beginners and shows exactly how to perform each step.We won’t be using a background image/picture to model an existing monitor, instead we’ll create our own original LCD monitor.

Once you learned to apply the techniques in this tutorial, it will be a piece of cake to adjust/extend the model to create your own unique monitor. With 3D modeling, there are many different ways to reach a similar result. Some of the tasks described in this tutorial are the things ‘I’ do, which doesn’t mean it is ‘the’ way to do it. Although this tutorial is written primarily for 3D Studio Max users, the same techniques apply to many other packages as well. Phase 1. Picture 1a Phase 2. Now we are going to create the initial box from which we will build the entire model. Picture 2a Now draw a box of any size on the Top view, we’ll give it the correct dimensions in a bit. Tutoriels. Rendus façon crayonage avec les nodes Introduction Dans mon premier tuto, tu as vu comment faire ceci: Si tu ne l'as pas fait, va le faire tout de suite, et ne revient que quand tu l'as fini.

Nous allons maintenant voir comment faire ça: Ce tuto aussi marche avec la version 2.43 de Blender. La scène de ce tuto se trouve ici. Etape 1 : Creer une texture de hachures Vu que l'on a des ombres séparées sur un calque, rien ne nous empêche de mixer ces ombres avec ce que l'on veut. Tu peux par exemple scanner des traits que tu as fait avec un crayon à papier, mais comme j'avais la flemme de brancher mon scanner, et que je voulais essayer de tout faire avec Blender, j'ai fait une texture de traits. Pour créer une texture, tu devrais savoir faire. La couleur n'a aucune importance. Dans le node Editor, rajoute un input Texture (Add,Input, Texture).Choisis la texture poil. Et rajoutons un node input texture dans le node editor avec cette texture que l'on va brancher sur Fac de notre node Screen. SOFTIMAGE| XSI Tools, Scripts, Plugins, Shaders, Models and much much more.

"Ray" Perl Script - Written by Kim Aldis of Aldis Animation: Someone asked: I am trying to set up something with three directories, 2B_RENDERED, IN_PROGRESS and RENDERED. I would render out single-frame into the 2b_rendered directory. The batch file would check for files there, grab one, move it into the in_progress directory so no two machines would render the same file, and when finished succesfully, move the mi-file into the rendered directory... so, something like the rendergarden-tool which was floating around, but which only worked for mental ray 1.9 To which Kim replied: Not quite what you asked for but does much the same thing is the attached script (Ray).

Ray Haven’t used it for a bit but it worked well when I did on both NT and Irix. Has a habit of leaving the directories it uses for semaphoring lying around on NT, which I think is more NT’s fault than mine. Might need changing for ray2. Usage: Ray "MiFileRootName" "PicRootName" "StartFrame" "EndFrame" "JumpFrame" 3D POWER : Galeries 3D, Tutoriaux, Textures, Plugins, Concours 3D ... Maya Online Help: Save preferences. Apprenez à modéliser en 3D avec Autodesk Maya. Welcome to!