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Save the Ocelot! China: Punish Buyers of Poached Tiger Body Parts. Name not displayed, Germany Apr 09, 07:02 Name not displayed, Italy Name not displayed, BC Apr 09, 07:03 Mr.

China: Punish Buyers of Poached Tiger Body Parts

Apr 09, 07:01.


Which Big Cat Are You?! - Wildlife Conservation Society. Russia: Crackdown on Illegal Logging of Amur Tiger and Leopard Habitat. Le tigre menacé par la Deutsche Bank. Save the tiger........ Sauver les tigres. Tigres en danger. Orphaned Tiger Given Goat to Eat, Befriends it Instead. Editor’s Note: This post is a Care2 favorite.

Orphaned Tiger Given Goat to Eat, Befriends it Instead

It was originally published on March 12, 2013. Enjoy! Written by Stephen Messenger In 2009, a Bengal tiger cub was rescued from India’s Dhaba forest range, left helpless after the disappearance of its mother. Over the next few years, keepers at the Bor Wildlife Sanctuary raised the orphan, named Bhangaram, to adulthood in hopes of one day releasing him back into the wild. But, as it turns out, not only was the tiger out of the jungle, the jungle seemed to be out of it. Staff at the wildlife sanctuary recently released a live goat into the now full-grown male tiger’s enclosure as a way of triggering its predatory instincts. From the Times of India: [Keepers had] hoped the beast would make a quick kill. Although the thought of a normally ferocious tiger ‘befriending’ its intended meal might seem like an adorable turn for the predator, conservationists say there is nothing cute about the big cat’s unwillingness to kill.

1 million to ban the lion trade. 593,075 have signed.

1 million to ban the lion trade

Help us get to 1,500,000 Update: 31 October 2013 Amazing win! A South African court just ruled that the government violated our right to free speech when they tore down ads calling for the protection of South Africa’s lions -- and we’re all over the news. Let’s use this momentum to get our petition to 1 million and save the lions. Un million de signatures pour interdire le business du lion. India acts to save Asiatic lion by moving it – but hard work has only just begun. Male and female Asiatic lions drink water in Gir Forest National Park, the threatened species' current habitat.

India acts to save Asiatic lion by moving it – but hard work has only just begun

Photograph: Nisarg Lakhmani/Corbis Wildlife is under threat in most of India, but there's one state that's clinging to its fauna, if rather too tightly. The state of Gujarat – whose Gir forest shelters the world's only Asiatic lion population – has lost a bitter battle over an ambitious translocation project. For over 18 years, conservationists have been attempting to move a pride of Gir lions to the Kuno sanctuary in the state of Madhya Pradesh. But the Gujarat government stubbornly refused to let the lions go. Finally, on 15 April, after eight years of litigation, the Supreme Court of India cleared the translocation of the lions, though it said an emphatic no to the cheetahs. The Gujarat government, and Chief Minister Narendra Modi, have been arguing for years that the Gir lions are the "pride of the state".

Why Snow Leopards Need Help. NOTE: This is a guest post from Brad Rutherford.

Why Snow Leopards Need Help

He has been the executive director of the Snow Leopard Trust since 2000 and recently returned from a visit to the Snow Leopard Enterprises project in Mongolia. This blog post is in response to the comments left by the public following his September 22nd post. Thank you to everyone who posted a comment in response to my blog post on September 22nd. The photo we included by Jason Brown is one of my personal favorites, and I certainly do feel blessed to be able to work on behalf of such a gorgeous animal.

Video - Le léopard des neiges sous la menace du changement climatique. Une étude du WWF montre que le changement climatique menace directement le léopard des neiges au Népal. Please help us to save the life of Leopard cats (Joho) in Miaoli, Taiwan. Mrs.

Please help us to save the life of Leopard cats (Joho) in Miaoli, Taiwan

Alison Waldron, United Kingdom Apr 29, 12:26 They are part of your world as you know it today, when they're gone you will not get them back send a green star. Protect the Southwest's Jaguar Habitat. Saving Mongolia's Snow Leopards. NOTE: This is a guest post from Brad Rutherford, the Executive Director of the Snow Leopard Trust since 2000.

Saving Mongolia's Snow Leopards

He recently returned from a visit to the Snow Leopard Enterprises project in Mongolia. For generations snow leopards have been seen as an enemy by herders across the mountains of Mongolia. If a herder lost a sheep or a goat to a snow leopard, it caused an economic catastrophe for the family that reinforced a cycle of conflict between humans and this endangered big cat. This system made protecting snow leopards very difficult in the remote parts of Central Asia where snow leopards are found. However, this all started to change in 1998 when two researchers sat down with herders and really tried to understand the challenges facing these rural families who share the land with snow leopards.

But the idea really took off. J'ai suivi les tigres pendant 7 ans au Népal : mon film dénonce l'horreur des trafics. Au Brésil, la disparition du jaguar met en péril la forêt atlantique. Le jaguar est en voie de disparition dans la forêt tropicale atlantique, ce qui met en danger cette forêt primitive brésilienne dont il ne reste plus que 7 % le long de la côte sud-est.

Au Brésil, la disparition du jaguar met en péril la forêt atlantique

Selon une étude menée par le Centre brésilien de recherche et conservation des mammifères carnivores diffusée lundi 27 janvier, il ne doit rester que 250 jaguars adultes dans la forêt atlantique, soit « une chute de 80 % au cours des quinze dernières années ». Le plus inquiétant est qu'à peine 20 % des jaguars restants, soit une cinquantaine, sont en âge de maturité sexuelle. How 2 Mortal Enemies In Africa Are Now Helping Each Other Survive. Comme un air de peluche. L'amitié inhabituelle entre un ours noir, un lion et un tigre du Bengale. La panthère de l'Amour, espoir des espèces menacées selon le WWF. La panthère de l'Amour arrive en tête de la liste 2013 concernant l'évolution des espèces menacées, établie par le World Wide Fund for Nature.

La panthère de l'Amour, espoir des espèces menacées selon le WWF

Selon ce classement publié par le Fonds mondial pour la nature en Suisse, « la population des panthères de l'Amour a augmenté de 50 % ces cinq dernières années » – « un brillant succès, même si, nuance toutefois l'institution, le nombre total d'animaux reste faible, avec 50 individus ».