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Why We've Censored | Threat Level. We’ve blacked out the headlines on our website homepage today as part of a global internet protest against two radical anti-piracy bills pending in Congress — legislation that threatens to usher in a chilling internet censorship regime here in the U.S. comparable in some ways to China’s “Great Firewall.” SOPA and PIPA, the bills in question, are in tactical retreat as this story goes live, but it is almost certain their backers are already planning the next round, in a process that will continue in one form or another ad infinitum. Under the current wording of the measures, the Attorney General would have the power to order ISPs to block access to foreign-based sites suspected of trafficking in pirated and counterfeit goods; order search engines to delist the sites from their indexes; ban advertising on suspected sites; and block payment services from processing transactions for accused sites.

If the same standards were applied to U.S. Photo: David Papazian/Corbis. Blackout pour les lois SOPA et PIPA : ce qu'il faut savoir. Cela fait déjà quelques années que la problématique se développe. Faute de comprendre Internet et ses usages, les gouvernements tentent en vain de le contrôler. Filtrage, censure, ripostes graduées, bon nombre de dispositifs ont été amorcés sans succès. De nombreuses vagues de mécontentement se sont fait entendre à travers le monde pour protester contre ces mesures liberticides. La Chine, l’Australie, la Nouvelle-Zélande ont été concernées ces dernières années. La France n’est pas en reste avec la LOPPSI et Hadopi, injures majeures faites à la neutralité du net.

Mais que faire face à des gouvernements qui s’enlisent dans leur méconnaissance ? Un blackout avait eu lieu il y a deux ans en Australie pour attirer l’attention du grand public. La SOPA c’est quoi ? Mais pourquoi tant de haine ? Ce projet de loi est avant tout une réponse des ayant-droits qui se sentent floués par un web qui ne respecte pas le droit d’auteur. Le mouvement de contestation Google Wikipedia Mozilla Korben. Une chanson pour protester contre la SOPA, par JCFrog. What Is SOPA? PIPA and SOPA Co-Sponsors Abandon Bills. The widespread Internet blackout Wednesday, in which sites such as Wikipedia and Reddit went dark to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT Intellectual Property Act (PIPA), seems to have influenced members of the U.S.

Congress. PIPA co-sponsor Florida Sen. Marco Rubio pulled his name from the bill Wednesday, and SOPA co-sponsor Arizona Rep. Ben Quayle pulled his name Tuesday. Rubio communicated his withdrawal via a Facebook post, titled "A Better Way to Fight the Online Theft of American Ideas and Jobs," in which he argues Congress should avoid rushing to pass the bill that could have unintended consequences.

"As a senator from Florida, a state with a large presence of artists, creators and businesses connected to the creation of intellectual property, I have a strong interest in stopping online piracy that costs Florida jobs. " The Florida Senator encouraged his co-sponsor Nevada Sen. SEE ALSO: Why SOPA Is Dangerous Following the PIPA co-sponsor's withdrawal, Texas Sen. A Post PIPA Post. On my way from a breakfast meeting to the office yesterday I got a phone call on my cell phone with a 202 area code on it.

I picked up the call and on the other end of the line was someone in Congress who I've known for a decade or more. He told me that the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was going to pull the PIPA bill in about thirty minutes. He also told me that the technology/Internet community had done a great job fighting the SOPA and PIPA bills and that the fight was over for now. I thanked him for the call and then I told him that we need to find a different way to address the online piracy problem because otherwise the technology community was in for a game of whack a mole with the content industry every year or two with our elected officials getting caught in the middle. He agreed.

I'm not in the mood to celebrate in the wake of the news that SOPA and PIPA are dead. I'd like to make a couple points about this whole SOPA/PIPA fight and then go on to where we go from here.