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Bijoux en perles : techniques et noeuds. Valtari videos - valtari by christian larson. The valtari mystery film experiment sigur rós have given a dozen filmmakers the same modest budget and asked them to create videos for their new album valtari. the filmmakers have complete creative freedom, the band completely unaware of what to expect. read more film #14: valtari by christian larson written & directed by christian larson. choreography by sidi larbi cherkaoui cinematography by mattias montero, costume designer lydia kovacs, produced by noreen khan. director's comments i've always been inspired by dance, so i wanted to tell a short story with dialogue through movement, without anyone saying anything. sidi larbi cherkaoui's extraordinary choreography created this unique communication between the dancers james o'hara & nicola leahey. larbi's way of working with flexibility played as an interesting contrast to the harsh environment in which matthias montero's pure and ethereal style of cinematography allowed an intimate portrait of the couple. christian larson

You Need To See This 17-Minute Film Set Entirely On A Teen's Computer Screen. These words are probably unfurling inside one of many open tabs on your computer screen. Perhaps one tab is for work, one is for chatting, and another is for Twitter. You probably even have some others open for no particular reason. This is the way we receive information and the way we communicate now: constantly, simultaneously, compulsively, endlessly, and more and more often, solitarily. This strange new mode of living—and its indelible effect on our humanity—is perfectly captured in a new short film that debuted this week at the Toronto International Film Festival. The 17-minute, mildly NSFW Noah is unlike anything you've seen before in a movie—only because it is exactly like what many of us see on our computers all the time. Created by Canadian film students Walter Woodman and Patrick Cederberg, the film begins when our high school senior protagonist types in the password that opens up his laptop, and the narrative takes place entirely on his computer screen.

Richard DUMAS / Agence VU' : "S'il n'en restait qu'une" - par Amaury VOSLION. Legs. Legs. Petit à petit... Loups. Legs. ... Legs.