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Mille Merveilles - Bibliothèque de ressources éducatives. "Quand la Terre gronde" - animations flash pour les 8-12 ans (volcans, séismes, tsunamis, prévention des catastrophes naturelles) - BrainPOP - Site éducatif animé pour enfants – Sciences, Sciences Sociales/Histoire-Géo, Anglais, Maths, Art et Musique, Santé et Technologie. Raconte-moi une histoire.

Pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 100 bonshommes de neige Andrée Poulin, illustrations de Qin Leng, Dominique et compagnie Français L'Affreux Michèle Marineau, illustrations de Geneviève Coté, Les 400 coups Alexis, chevalier des nuits Andrée-Anne Gratton, illustrations de Pascale Constantin, Les 400 coups Les amours de ma mère Stéphane Poulin, Annick Press L'anniversaire du père Noël Nathalie Somers, illustrations de Lydie Baron, Les 400 coups L'araignée et la mouche Mary Howitt, éditions Scholastic L'araignée géante Estelle Whittom, illustrations de Stéphane Simard, Éditions du Soleil de minuit Arc-en-ciel fait la paix Marcus Pfister, Nord-Sud.

Littératout. PEPIT des exercices éducatifs de la maternelle au secondaire. Creation Bleu Barbo. BrainPOP Français (BrainPOPFrance) sur Twitter. HISTOIRE - LA VALLEE DES MOULINS du 15 mars 2013, Histoires lues : RTBF Vidéo. Learn | The Hour of Code 2013.

Dance Party Grades 2+ | Blocks Minecraft Hour of Code Make a Flappy game Star Wars: Building a Galaxy with Code Grades 2+ | Blocks, JavaScript Code with Anna and Elsa Write your first computer program Minecraft Hour of Code: AI for Good The Grinch: Saving Christmas with Code Grades 2-8 | Blocks Make Your Own Kodable Mazes Pre-reader - Grade 5 | JavaScript, Language independent (can be taught in multiple languages) codeSpark Academy with The Foos: Create Games Pre-reader - Grade 5 | Blocks Code Your Hero Lightbot Coding Town Grades 2-5 | JavaScript Kodable (pre-readers welcome) Pre-reader - Grade 5 | Blocks | All modern browsers, iPad app Create your own Google logo Grades 2+ | Blocks, Scratch Codesters: Basketball Grades 6+ | Python Box Island All ages | Blocks Gumball's Coding Adventure Grades 6-8 | Blocks, Scratch Imagine a World Moana: Wayfinding with Code Barbie You Can Be Anything Pre-reader - Grade 5 | Blocks, Tynker Code a Cartoon Animate a Name Learn to Code with Crossy Road Grades 9+ | Blocks Boat Race Candy Quest.

Editions Nord Sud - Activité/jeux - Animations. Johnnie's Math Page - The Best Math for Kids and their Teachers -Hundreds of Interactive Math Tools, Math Activities, and Math Games. Johnnie's Math Page is the site to find fun math for kids, math games, and even a little math homework help. Interactive math activities from across the web have been organized by topic to make math learning enjoyable and interesting. These activities have been chosen to represent the range of math learned from kindergarten to middle school. I have put together resources for middle school math. In the middle school math section you will find fantastic models for all kinds of algebra- from linear equations to quadratics.

You will also find geomtery models from constructions to trigonometry.. For parents and teachers, you will find math lessons and free math worksheets as well as links to other math teaching resources. For those who like a challenge, you will find free math games in the math puzzles section. Contact Johnnie.