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Dictionnaire de japonais - 日仏辞典. Dictionnaire des kanji japonais - Accueil. Kanjis classés par clés. The Japanese Grammar database. ~べき is conjugated like this Vruべき or すべき (for the actual verb する only, or verbs like 充分する) 例:行くべき すべき Noun/ adj(na)であるべき Adj(i)くべき 例:心配であるべき 例:鋭くべき 目的でらるべき The adj(i) form is not used frequently, but you might encounter it in some books or proverbs.

Because it is considered a noun, there is also a negative form and past form of べき, you conjugate it like any other noun. You generally end べき with だ、but you can also attach other nouns like こと、もの or even use the verbal form of べき, べく. ☆ Be careful, べき is considered very strong language in Japanese and should only be used with (or when referring to) people on your level or lower. べき is similar to はず be cause both express expectation. べき expresses the fact that something or someone is expected to do something based on the current situation, such as status (You should be polite because you're younger.) Lang-8 - Site multilingue d'apprentissage et d'échange linguistique.