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Mobiles Crowdsourcing - Der Mensch als Sensor. Seite nicht mehr verfügbar Sehr geehrte Zuschauerin,sehr geehrter Zuschauer leider können wir Ihnen diese Seite nicht mehr anbieten, weil wir sie nicht unbegrenzt vorhalten dürfen.

Mobiles Crowdsourcing - Der Mensch als Sensor

Wired 14.06: The Rise of Crowdsourcing. Remember outsourcing?

Wired 14.06: The Rise of Crowdsourcing

Sending jobs to India and China is so 2003. The new pool of cheap labor: everyday people using their spare cycles to create content, solve problems, even do corporate R & D. By Jeff Howe« back Page 4 of 4 Seeing that the company’s most successful products were a result of collaboration between different divisions, Huston figured that even more cross-pollination would be a good thing. Meanwhile, P&G had set a goal of increasing the number of innovations acquired from outside its walls from 15 percent to 50 percent. Definition/Examples) Crowdsource The World. Crowdsourced City.