Release Day Roundup – 11/6/20 – Heavy Blog Is Heavy. Editor’s Note: Longtime reader Remi VL is a regular guest contributor to our Release Day Roundup posts!
He submitted several of the albums listed below. Join his Facebook group for more recommendations. Each month, we always seem to come to the same conclusion when it comes to our Editors’ Picks column: Friday release days open the floodgates and unleash a seemingly endless stream of quality new music. But while some of our Editors and Contributors sit down gleefully each week to dive into this newly stocked treasure trove, others find themselves drawing a blank at the end of the month due to the breakneck pace needed to keep up to date with what’s been released.
Which brings us to this Heavy Blog PSA: a weekly roundup of new albums which pares down the week’s releases to only our highest recommendations. Top Picks Deluge – Ægo Templo (blackened hardcore) Ferocious mix of post-black metal and dark post-hardcore from France. –Trent Bos –Scott Kylie Minogue – Disco (electro-pop) –Josh Bulleid. HIGH AS HELL Melbourne Bruisers Release Sacrilegious Video for House Of The Holy Debut Album, Razorblade Dream, To Be Released On November 6.
HIGH AS HELL Melbourne Bruisers Break Curfew To Film Video For Big River Debut Album, Razorblade Dream, To Be Released On November 6. Melbourne bruisers High As Hell crashed onto the scene last month with their monstrously huge debut single, House Of The Holy.
Today, the band deliver an equally abrasive knock-out punch with the release of the video for single number two, Big River. Frontman and riff lord, Dave ‘Fazz’ Favazza says of the clip “SSSHHHHH!!! Don’t tell anyone, but we broke curfew to make this film clip, because that’s the kind of rock n roll metal head motherfuckers we are.. Ain’t no government asshole gonna stop us from doing what we love doin.. We’ve got shit to do, It’s time to rage against the fuckin machine again!!!! The band continue; “We smashed it out for a few hours and got done what was needed before risking the owner of the property turning up with a shotgun (which would’ve been great for some B roll! It was very entertaining to say the least and at one point we were sure he was gonna pass out! High as Hell Wield the Blade. HIGH AS HELL. Melbourne bruisers High As Hell crashed onto the scene last month with their monstrously huge debut single, House Of The Holy.
Today, the band deliver an equally abrasive knock-out punch with the release of the video for single number two, Big River. Watch it Frontman and riff lord, Dave 'Fazz' Favazza says of the clip "SSSHHHHH!!! Don't tell anyone, but we broke curfew to make this film clip, because that's the kind of rock n roll metal head motherfuckers we are.. Ain't no government asshole gonna stop us from doing what we love doin.. The band continue; "We smashed it out for a few hours and got done what was needed before risking the owner of the property turning up with a shotgun (which would've been great for some B roll!
It was very entertaining to say the least and at one point we were sure he was gonna pass out! No matter how far you run, at some point you gotta man up and face your demons, and don't ever let that river of temptation wash you away! HIGH AS HELL: Melbourne Bruisers Release Sacrilegious Video for House Of The Holy Debut Album, Razorblade Dream, To Be Released On November 6. HIGH AS HELL: Melbourne Bruisers Break Curfew To Film Video For Big River. HIGH AS HELL: Melbourne Bruisers Break Curfew To Film Video For Big River Melbourne bruisers High As Hell crashed onto the scene last month with their monstrously huge debut single, House Of The Holy.
The band deliver an equally abrasive knock-out punch with the release of the video for single number two, Big River. Watch it here: Frontman and riff lord, Dave 'Fazz' Favazza says of the clip "SSSHHHHH!!! Don't tell anyone, but we broke curfew to make this film clip, because that's the kind of rock n roll metal head motherfuckers we are.. The band continue; "We smashed it out for a few hours and got done what was needed before risking the owner of the property turning up with a shotgun (which would've been great for some B roll!
It was very entertaining to say the least and at one point we were sure he was gonna pass out! No matter how far you run, at some point you gotta man up and face your demons, and don't ever let that river of temptation wash you away! HIGH AS HELL: "Razorblade Dream" Facebook Instagram Youtube Apple.
[Review] HIGH AS HELL - ‘Razorblade Dream’ - Everblack Media. Review : Miri Bluebeard With a sound MUCH bigger than their 3 members, you could be mistaken for thinking High as Hell have come crawling out of the ooze of boiling down our collective love of all things sludge and metal.
Their full length debut album Razorblade Dream dropped on Friday and I had the pleasure of listening to it for a review The “just outside of Melbourne” three piece have hit some soft spots in this nostalgic stoner metalheads heart and the album takes us on a trip through sounds that remind us of old flavours, albeit with their own unique sound. Initially sitting down to just quickly check them out, by track three I was hellbent on finding out everything I could about them. Playing like a lesson in music history, each track is laden with its own influences old and new. The opening track House of The Holy, throws us immediately into crunchy riffs and powerful vocals, parts reminiscent of Orange Goblin and a driving beat that sets the level for the rest of the album. HIGH AS HELL Go Back To School. Melbourne metal heroes High As Hell unleash their vicious debut, Razorblade Dream - Forte. Following the release of their immense debut single ‘Houses Of The Holy’, Melbourne metal lords High As Hell have stepped out in fine fashion with their scorcher of a new record, Razorblade Dreams.
Built around the rocksteady rhythm section of drummer Chris Fittkau and bassist Tony Calleja and led by the force of nature that is guitarist and vocalist Fazz Hellman, Razorblade Dreams pays its dues to the golden era of heavy metal, offering eight tracks packed with high octane riffage, driving grooves and cataclysmic lyrics. Taking just as much influence from golden era titans like Black Sabbath and Metallica as they do from sludge metal legends High On Fire and Down, High As Hell certainly aren’t here to take any prisoners with their debut release. The band’s video for ‘Houses Of The Holy’ saw the trio sneak into a church and tie their frontman above a burning crucifix, harkening back to an era of metal where Faustian myths and distorted riffs went hand-in-hand. Melbourne metal heroes High As Hell unleash their vicious debut, Razorblade Dream. Words by Will Brewster Following the release of their immense debut single ‘Houses Of The Holy’, Melbourne metal lords High As Hell have stepped out in fine fashion with their scorcher of a new record, Razorblade Dreams.
Built around the rocksteady rhythm section of drummer Chris Fittkau and bassist Tony Calleja and led by the force of nature that is guitarist and vocalist Fazz Hellman, Razorblade Dreams pays its dues to the golden era of heavy metal, offering eight tracks packed with high octane riffage, driving grooves and cataclysmic lyrics. Taking just as much influence from golden era titans like Black Sabbath and Metallica as they do from sludge metal legends High On Fire and Down, High As Hell certainly aren’t here to take any prisoners with their debut release. The band’s video for ‘Houses Of The Holy’ saw the trio sneak into a church and tie their frontman above a burning crucifix, harkening back to an era of metal where Faustian myths and distorted riffs went hand-in-hand.
Two Guys Metal Reviews: High As Hell - Razorblade Dream. It's always good to be handed a record that is decidedly just 'heavy metal.' Such is the case with the powerful grooves and yarling swagger of the debut album from High As Hell.
Razorblade Dream is a straightforward and punishingly effective offering talking about all that is fascinating and potent in the world of underground metal. Razorblade Dream fascinates because of its ability to fuse chunky grooves with classic vibes and bluesy playing. High As Hell-Razorblade Dream - The Median Man. AUSTRALIAN GROOVE/DOOM-BASTARDS, 'HIGH AS HELL' DROP SECOND SINGLE 'BIG RIVER'. CHECK IT OUT HERE! - Overdrive. October 29, 2020 Oran Breaking out of Melbourne, Australia, High As Hell caught our attention upon the release of their crushing, ‘House of the Holy’ debut single last month.
Today, they served up a box-fresh sonic punch in the face with, ‘Big River’. Listen/watch here… If you are paying attention to the bands’ that we are shouting about you will already know about High As Hell. Hailing from Melbourne, Australia, the three-piece caught our attention due to the fact that they make quality HEAVY FUCKING METAL! High As Hell To Film Video For Big River. Debut Album, Razorblade Dream Out On November 6th — RAWING IN THE PIT MEDIA. Frontman and riff lord, Dave 'Fazz' Favazza says of the clip "SSSHHHHH!!! Don't tell anyone, but we broke curfew to make this film clip, because that's the kind of rock n roll metal head motherfuckers we are.. Ain't no government asshole gonna stop us from doing what we love doin.. We've got shit to do, It's time to rage against the fuckin machine again!!!! Anyhow, so we kind of let ourselves into this awesome old abandoned shack on a huge canola field in the middle of nowhere, it felt like we were vulnerable to millions of snakes waiting to ambush us, but once we turned the amps up to 11 and got jammin that vulnerability subsided.
The band continue; "We smashed it out for a few hours and got done what was needed before risking the owner of the property turning up with a shotgun (which would've been great for some B roll! It was very entertaining to say the least and at one point we were sure he was gonna pass out! Melbourne bruisers High As Hell break curfew to film video for “Big River” Melbourne bruisers High As Hell crashed onto the scene last month with their monstrously huge debut single, House Of The Holy.
Today, the band deliver an equally abrasive knock-out punch with the release of the video for single number two, Big River. Frontman and riff lord, Dave ‘Fazz’ Favazza says of the clip “SSSHHHHH!!! Don’t tell anyone, but we broke curfew to make this film clip, because that’s the kind of rock n roll metal head motherfuckers we are.. Ain’t no government asshole gonna stop us from doing what we love doin.. We’ve got shit to do, It’s time to rage against the fuckin machine again!!!! The band continue; “We smashed it out for a few hours and got done what was needed before risking the owner of the property turning up with a shotgun (which would’ve been great for some B roll!
It was very entertaining to say the least and at one point we were sure he was gonna pass out! The Über Rock Singles Club - Autumn Awesomeness (Part One) - Über Röck. Curated by Monk It’s hard to believe it’s been a fortnight since the Singles Club opened its virtual doors and we fired up the death decks with a selection of the finest single-track releases to have come our way in recent weeks. Yet, here we are again with another bumper pick of the crop – actually, for the second successive iteration it’s one of our biggest clubs in a long time, with just shy of two dozen tracks for your aural and visual delectation, whittled down from the almost 450 submissions which have come our way over the past 14 days or so, and once again hopefully containing something to tickle almost everyone’s musical taste buds as we traverse multiple sub genres of the glorious art form we like to refer to as rock ‘n’f’n’ roll… First to kick in the club’s reinforced doors with their bovver boots are Boston rebel rousers John Magee and The Scrimshanders, who also count a certain local legend Tom Baker among their ranks.
We stay in south Wales for our next offering. High As Hell release sacrilegious video for “House Of The Holy” HIGH AS HELL Face Off With Religion. HIGH AS HELL Release Sacrilegious Video For "House Of The Holy"; Debut Album, Razorblade Dream, To Be Released In November - BraveWords. AUSTRALIAN GROOVE DOOMSTERS 'HIGH AS HELL' RELEASE BRAIN-HACKING SINGLE. - Overdrive. September 22, 2020 Oran If you’re tantalised by big fat, bong-drenched riffs that would make Kirk Windstein’s beard stand to attention, then let us introduce you to Australia’s ‘High As Hell’. These lads have just dropped a single that will require you to reach for your air guitar and crack open a cold one…
HIGH AS HELL – Release Sacrilegious Video for House Of The Holy. Debut Album, Razorblade Dream, To Be Released On November 6. – Kronos Mortus News. High As Hell - Release Sacrilegious Video for House Of The Holy. HIGH AS HELL Release Sacrilegious Video for ‘House Of The Holy’ + Debut Album Out Soon – Good Call Live. HIGH AS HELL Melbourne Bruisers Release One Hell Of A Debut Single! House Of The Holy Out Now! In 2020, the heavy music world is in a mess. HIGH AS HELL Melbourne Bruisers Release Debut Single 'House Of The Holy' HIGH AS HELL Release One Hell Of A Debut Single ‘House Of The Holy’ – Good Call Live.
The Resurrection Of The RiffHIGH AS HELLOld School Metal, New School Attitude In 2020, the heavy music world is in a mess. Endless sub-genres and factions dominate the scene and a band’s political persuasion seems to be more important than their musical ability.Does anyone know how to bang anymore? Metal, has lost its way, but fear not! High As Hell are about to deliver one massive shot in the arm for fans of skull crushing, fist pumping, heavy-fucking-metal! Hailing from somewhere in Victoria you’ve probably never been to, let’s just say a short drive from Melbourne, High As Hell are three bad asses hellbent on bringing back some old school metal.The way it was, big, fat crunchy riffs, aggressive, powerful vocals and songs that can get a pit raging from the get go. Live, the boys deliver their music with such raw power and honesty that the old schooler will nod in approval and new kids will wonder where metal like this has been hiding all their lives.
HIGH AS HELL Release One Hell Of A Debut Single! House Of The Holy Out Now! High As Hell - Release A Debut Single! House Of The Holy Out Now! Melbourne bruisers High As Hell release one hell of a debut single “House Of The Holy” In 2020, the heavy music world is in a mess. Endless sub-genres and factions dominate the scene and a band’s political persuasion seems to be more important than their musical ability. Does anyone know how to bang anymore? Metal, has lost its way, but fear not! High As Hell are about to deliver one massive shot in the arm for fans of skull crushing, fist pumping, heavy-fucking-metal! Listen to their monstrous debut single, House Of The Holy! Hailing from somewhere in Victoria you’ve probably never been to, let’s just say a short drive from Melbourne, High As Hell are three bad asses hellbent on bringing back some old school metal.
Live, the boys deliver their music with such raw power and honesty that the old schooler will nod in approval and new kids will wonder where metal like this has been hiding all their lives. Their pounding riffage is made to headbang to and their anthemic melodies are the stuff metal was built on. Louder playlist: August 2020.