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The Homework Debate. Every school day brings something new, but there is one status quo most parents expect: homework.

The Homework Debate

The old adage that practice makes perfect seems to make sense when it comes to schoolwork. But, while hunkering down after dinner among books and worksheets might seem like a natural part of childhood, there's more research now than ever suggesting that it shouldn't be so. Many in the education field today are looking for evidence to support the case for homework, but are coming up empty-handed. “Homework is all pain and no gain,” says author Alfie Kohn. In his book The Homework Myth, Kohn points out that no study has ever found a correlation between homework and academic achievement in elementary school, and there is little reason to believe that homework is necessary in high school. If you've ever had a late night argument with your child about completing homework, you probably know first-hand that homework can be a strain on families. Standardized Testing How Much Is Too Much? Say NO! to homework » Arguments for and against homework. For: It develops home/school partnerships.

Say NO! to homework » Arguments for and against homework

Against: What about parent/child relationships? Forcing children to work on after school has finished is detrimental to everyone, harming relationships and causing disruption to family life. For : Homework reinforces skills and knowledge learnt at school. Against : Children are at school for around six hours a day. The expectations of the curriculum are excessive. For: It raises children’s achievements. Against : Teachers and children are under extraordinary pressure to achieve, driven by the school’s need for a good OFSTED report, which will ensure that parents want their children to attend the school, which will ensure the school stays open. Why Children Don't Need Homework. Rethinking Homework. January/February 2007 Rethinking Homework By Alfie Kohn After spending most of the day in school, children are typically given additional assignments to be completed at home.

Rethinking Homework

This is a rather curious fact when you stop to think about it, but not as curious as the fact that few people ever stop to think about it. It becomes even more curious, for that matter, in light of three other facts: 1. 2. 3. It’s not as though most teachers decide now and then that a certain lesson really ought to continue after school is over because meaningful learning is so likely to result from such an assignment that it warrants the intrusion on family time. I’ve heard from countless people across the country about the frustration they feel over homework. What parents and teachers need is support from administrators who are willing to challenge the conventional wisdom. So what’s a thoughtful principal to do?

Does homework really work? - Homework Help. "As a high school algebra teacher who is VERY successful, I have a strong opinion regarding homework.

Does homework really work? - Homework Help

I don't assign it. Ever. The only time I expect kids to do work outside of my classroom is when they need more practice to retake a test. (They must get at least a C on every learning goal.) Ironically, kids ASK for extra practice on learning goals they feel weak on. "i'm in year 7 and we get an hour of homework per night (3 sets of 20mins). "I don't think that homework in itself is the problem here. "this is the most stupid article in the world! "hw doesnt help at all..... way to stressful " "I am a mother of two boys, ages 13 and soon to be 12. "This is a good article "I am still in school, and i am usually loaded down with about 2 or 3 hours of homework nightly! This House would ban homework. The Homework Debate. Homework debate. Should students spend their evenings working on homework? For Sure! Maybe No Way! Many late nights, is this how students should spend their evenings?

We have all been there. You have spent countless late nights working on school projects or completing your assigned homework. Those were the good old days. Some suggestions may be to cut back on homework and make the actual school day longer. Another suggestion is to give more homework as it helps students minds grow. What value does homework add? This entry was posted on Friday, May 22nd, 2009 and is filed under Education .