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Brain Matters

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This Is Your Brain on Love. The Neurochemistry of Empathy, Storytelling, and the Dramatic Arc, Animated. The best time to drink coffee according to science. I came across this interesting article by Steven Miller Ph.D.and I decided to create this post based on what he suggested in his article.

The best time to drink coffee according to science

Thank you for your wicked awesome observations, Steve! There's also a pretty good writeup on Forbes with Q&A regarding shift workers and why the best time to drink coffee may not necessarily be in the morning. link. Sources: Gizmodo, NeuroscienceDC, Dailynews If you donate $5+, I'll send you this refrigerator magnet as a little thank you gift. 10 cosas que deberías saber sobre cómo funciona tu cerebro.

Neurolinguistics: Language and biology. Neurolinguistics: Language and biology Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System basic cellular unit (chemical transmission, neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine)

Neurolinguistics: Language and biology

Brain Plasticity Is A Critical Part of Learning And Relearning. Information Processing and the Brain. Your Brain by the Numbers. Your Brain on Coffee vs. Beer.