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We all feel them, even if we don't know what to... كلمة مصرية ليست من أصل عربي مازالت تستخدم. ما زال الناس في مصر يتحدثون لغة الأجداد منذ آلاف السنين، ومن آلاف الكلمات التي يمكنها أن تقدم الدليل على ذلك اخترنا أمثلة لكلمات يستخدمها المصريون ولها أصول واضحة في اللغة المصرية القديمة واللغة القبطية المتطورة منها والمتقدمة عليها زمنياً إلى حد ما، ومنها : 1-طنّش: من القبطية “طانشا” بمعنى نسي أو ينسى. 2-إمبو: من المصرية القديمة “إب-مو” بمعنى أريد-ماء. 3-بره: من المصرية القديمة “بر” بمعنى يخرج أو أُخرج. 4-شبشب: من القبطية “سب سويب” بمعني مقاس القدم. 5-عصلج: من القبطية “اثلاج” بمعنى توقف عن الحركة. 6-عشم: من القبطية بمعنى توقع أكثر من العادي، ومنها عشمان. 7-طبطب: قبطية بمعنى يربت على كتفه كي يرفه أو يخفف عنه. 8-وشوش: من القبطية بمعنى يخفض صوته، وعربيتها همس. 9-دوشة: من القبطية “داوش” بمعنى صوت مرتفع، وعربيتها جلبة. 10-زقطط: من المصرية القديمة بمعنى مبتهج جداُ أو عالي القلب. 11-هُو يا نونو هُو: من القبطية، بمعنى كفى يا طفلي الصغير كفى. 12-نانّوس عين أمه: “نا” بمعنى كثير و”نوس” بمعنى جمال، فيكون المعنى كثير الجمال. 13-تاتا خطي العتبة: من القبطية بمعني “يدوس أو يطأ” وهي أصل الكلمة العربية. ..

Faces Who Control Your Life But You Wouldn't Recognize. Would you recognize these people if you ran into them? Give it a shot. 1. Noah Glass Who’s that? 2. Say what you want. The creator of Flappy Bird! 3. Aside from them giving it up to Mark, let’s not forget that these guys over here are the gods of Whatsapp. 4. Here’s proof that blondes can be smart. 5. Who are these Russian playboys? You may have heard their names lately as their website caused a teenager Hannah Smith to commit suicide after being bullied on Ask.Fm. 6. Here’s a teenager who you wouldn’t ban your daughter from seeing. 7.

I bet you’re loving their innocent smiles right now. 8. This look is not for the photo. Now, let’s give them a round of applause of turning down over billions of offers from Facebook and bids from Google. Hold your cell phones up for the founders of Snapchat! 9. It’s sad that we can’t figure out their identity when they’ve figured out a way to tell us the identities of unwanted calls. They are none other than the founders of TrueCaller! 10. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 55 Funny But Hurting True Facts About Daily Life. Do you know what the biggest lie on the internet is, or what the most difficult thing to complete is, or what the true course of relationship is? All these questions are quite normal, but the answers are pretty shocking. Here we are listing some of the most hurting truths about everyday life.

Most of them look funny, but they are insanely true. These brilliant series of graphs are created by the creative duo known as Wumo – A Danish writer Mikael Wulff and cartoon artist Anders Morgenthaler. Image credit: If you find any of these everyday life truth hurting then SHARE it with your friends too. About the Author Chris is a Reporter by profession, covering viral content, Internet culture and all things cats. More Articles by Chris Taylor Get More Right To Your Inbox! Receive captivating new articles, just like this one, delivered right to your inbox each day. 33 Painfully Accurate Graphs About Daily Life. 25 Psychology Facts Everyone Should Know.