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DIY Woven Storage Organizer from Newspaper. Woven paper craft is a nice way to recycle old newspaper and magazines. Let’s make an easy DIY project to weave a nice storage box with tubes made from old newspaper, it looks great and neat for home. Materials you will need: old newspapercardboardgluewire/skewerclothespinsscissors. DIY Woven Basket Organizer from Paper Roll. You can use old newspaper to make paper roll and weave the basket, good way to clean house and organize your home. Materials: Paper roll (from newspaper or new paper)CardboardScissorsGlueClips. DIY Fabric Coil Bowl. Working with fabric is a job as old as modern nations. Some cities from the past thrived on only this type of industry. Some countries have grown from manufacturing clothes and other type of fabric-related products. Now, the DIY movement and trend has brought this skill to every home.

Making a lovely bowl out of fabric isn’t that complicated if you have the necessary instructions. But first, here is what materials you will need: • about 10 meters of 14 by 8cm neon orange cord; • some long strips of grey fabric or yarn; • a pair of scissors; • a large (yarn) needle; Making a useful bowl out of some pieces of fabric is not only a skill but a type of artwork. Fabric Coil Bowl Tutorial – The Red Thread Blog. 50 + Fabric Baskets and Bins Tutorials | Home / sewing / 50 + Fabric Baskets and Bins Tutorials There are a few things that you can never really make enough of– fabric bins or baskets is one of them. I have them holding fabric, scraps, sewing projects, pencils, little bits….you name it, it can store it.

While being organized is a big plus, the other benefit is the cuteness! Finding a way to show off fabric, designs, patterns….is always fun. These can brighten a room, shelf, and yet be useful as well. What do you stuff in your fabric basket? Fabric Basket Tutorial with Delia Creates. Hi U Create fans! I am super excited to be here for the Summer Fat Quarter Series.

Today, I am sharing a simple project that takes just two fat quarters and some interfacing. It's reversible too! :) Let's get right to it, shall we? Materials: two fat quarters 1/2 yard of stiff fusible interfacing contrasting or matching thread rectangular fabric scraps (preferably matches your fat quarters and no smaller than 4x4 inches) fabric glue That's it! Please note: I made two baskets so you will see the fabric interchange in some of the steps. -Wash and press your fat quarters. . - Following the manufacturers instructions, fuse each piece of fabric with interfacing. - Clean up the edges of your fat quarters to make everything nice and even and so that there are no frayed edges. - Stack your two fused fat quarters and cut them again if needed so they are the same size. . - Cut five by five inch squares from each corner.

. - Go HERE to download my fabric handle pattern. . - Pin the corner edges together. » Fabric Scrap Basket Tutorial. I thought I’d share with you how to make my fabric scrap “basket”. It’s VERY simple. I whipped out another two baskets in no time at all. Now I have all of my smaller scraps organized into small, medium and large groupings. Did I even mention I’m a Capricorn and like to be organized to a fault? No? Well if this doesn’t prove it, I don’t know what will. Go ahead, make yourself a few of these today. Directions 1. 2. **I like my interior to fit and not be so rumpled from too much fabric, so this is why I cut my interior slightly smaller. 3.

If you are using fusible interfacing I suggest fusing that to your fabric before cutting. 4. Note: You could also just cut a 4-1/2” squares individually out of each corner, it just goes a bit faster folding and cutting all at once. 5. 6. 7. Note: By “right sides together” I mean to have the fabric facing out on your exterior piece, and the fabric facing in on your interior piece. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. And you’re done! 12 Gifts of Christmas Blog Hop: Organizer Basket Tutorial.

Sided pace mat tutorial yesterday and here I am hosting a second stop with a tutorial on how to make these easy-peasy organizer baskets! Not ready to think about Christmas yet? Me neither, but we know it will come before we know it! Jennifer picked this perfect timing to get this rolling so that we have plenty of time to whip up gifts! It's been over a year since I last posted a tutorial, so I was a bit nervous writing this up, although it is probably the easiest project among all sewing tutes I have ever written, hehe.

So that the visual will help you through! Ok, here you go! To make one basket, you'll need two 13" x 7" cotton rectangles (one for exterior, one for interior) and one piece of cotton batting that is just a little larger than 13" x 7". Spray the wrong side of the interior piece and add the batting. Quilt as desired. Quilt along the line. This quilter accessory is such a big help! Like that. Here is how this looks after diagonal quilting is done. Yay quilting is done! Top-stitching! DIY Cardboard Underwear Storage Box | iCreativeIdeas. Here is a creative way to recycle your old small cardboard boxes: make an underwear storage box! The materials are very simple, just some small boxes and your choice of wrapping paper or fabrics.

Now your underwear and other small stuffs can be neatly placed in this upcycled cardboard storage box. Enjoy! Boxes.