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Resume & Cover Letter

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Free Resume Samples, Cover Letter Samples and Tips! Cover_letter_booklet. CoverLetter%20Guide. Help with Résumés, Cover Letters, and Thank You Letters. How to Write Cover Letters & Thank-You Letters Writing Cover Letters In today's job market, internships are almost as competitive as full-time openings.

Help with Résumés, Cover Letters, and Thank You Letters

The increasing demand for solid internships has afforded employers the opportunity to pick and choose. What does this mean for you? Well, it means that you need to start approaching your internship search as if you were looking for a full-time job. That means doing company research and writing cover letters and resumés that relate specifically to your organizations of interest. What is a cover letter? Not all cover letters should be the same. Cover letters should be brief. Try to personalize the letter whenever possible. Writing the Cover Letter Always type your cover letter and use a spell-checking program. An effective cover letter should contain... your return address. the date. the name and title of your contact, the company name and address. a greeting/salutation. a body of 3-4 paragraphs (see below). a closing.

Example 1. Write a Cover Letter : Prepare for a Job Search : Career Services. How to Write a Cover Letter What is a cover letter?

Write a Cover Letter : Prepare for a Job Search : Career Services

Resume Writing. Resume Writing. Hot Resume Tips The Dual Career Network surveyed local employers to find out what they want to see on a resume.

Resume Writing

The information provided here represents a compilation of their responses. Some additional hints are: don’t write long, narrative descriptions of your jobs; include quantitative statements (if there are any) in your bullet points; include your email address; and don't use "empty" self-descriptive phrases, such as "hard working,” “conscientious,” “innovative thinker,” “loyal,” etc. Name Address Phone Number (Do not include business phone number) Home email address 1. (Example) MBA with 10 years experience in the areas of finance, payroll, statistical and financial analysis. 2.

(Example) 11-05 to present Financial Analyst, RONCO Industries, Ames, IA (Bullet statements: These are statements of the tasks you performed and your accomplishments (your “value add.”). Manage and accurately report balance sheet position, P&L performance and source and use of funds. Sample Resume, Cover Letter, Sample Cover Letter. Writing a resume can be tricky.

Sample Resume, Cover Letter, Sample Cover Letter

So can writing a cover letter. Well, fret not because we have a bunch of cover letter examples and resume examples that you can use as a starting point to get you on the way to writing a succesful job application. Whether you've finished school early or you've gone all the way to the end of tertiary study, one of these sample resume or cover letter templates should be suited to your needs so that you can get your job applications started. You can either download the template that suits you from the list below, or check each of them out on their own individual pages in this section (they're over there in the left-hand menu). For some more advice on how to put together a resume, check out our How to Write a Resume page. Sample Resumes Please note: These resume templates have been designed to be opened and edited in Word.

ResumeBear Online Resume Builder Resume Delivery Resume Tracking. Using Twitter for Job Search. If you’re not using Twitter, you’re not alone.

Using Twitter for Job Search

Although the social networking site is growing at a rapid pace, it is still far smaller than giants like Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace. And yet it may provide more opportunities for job seekers than any of those sites. To understand why, you first need to understand how Twitter works. What is Twitter? Twitter is often called a micro-blogging site. One of the things I’ve learned about Twitter is that you can’t explain the benefits to someone else in a way that’s convincing. All I can say is that once you try it, you’ll start to see the benefits. But I want to talk about how you can use it for your job search. 5 Secrets of Using Twitter to Find a Job 1. First and foremost, Twitter is a social networking site. And conversation is the lifeblood of Twitter, so you are perfectly free to reply to anything you read. To get started making connections, I recommend using either Twellow or Twitter Search to find people you would like to follow.