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Writing Lessons - Film / Book Review. Writing a book/film review Follow these steps to write a book or film review.

Writing Lessons - Film / Book Review

Pre writing Remember and take notes of the plot of the story. What impression did it produce on you? Writing Introduction: give the title and author of the book. If you're reviewing a film mention the director or actors. Title, Author / Director, Actors The film is directed by The film is produced by.. Setting The action takes place in ... Characters and Plot The main characters are ... Reaction. Festivals and traditions. 555431. 555460. 555461. English news and easy articles for students of English.

Newspaper. Newspaper Vocabulary. A collection of useful vocabulary for newspapers.

Newspaper Vocabulary

These words can be used for talking or writing about newspapers. There is also an audio for each section to help you improve your pronunciation. This topic can come in all parts of the IELTS speaking test, writing task 2 and also listening and reading. It’s well worth learning this useful newspaper vocabulary. Types of Newspapers Newspaper Content Other Useful Vocabulary for Newspapers Practice with Newspaper Vocabulary Fill in the following sentences with word(s) from the above lists.

Try to fill in the answers before you listen to the audio below. I can’t understand why people buy ……………….. because they don’t contain real news, just gossip.Famous people deserve the right to privacy and the government should do more to control and limit ……………There are so many mistakes in that article with information that they’ve got wrong.

Listen to the full sentences to check your answers.

Träna på regelbundna verb

7 Great Activities for the First Day of School. New Year Resolutions Involve students in the creation of a set of classroom new year resolutions to guide you through the coming months.

7 Great Activities for the First Day of School

Work together to brainstorm resolutions, and write them on a sheet of chart paper. If necessary, reword them in a positive manner (such as "walk" rather than "don't run"). These may be resolutions for behavioral expectations (take turns) or class goals (learn our times tables). Each student can write one of the resolutions from the list on a paper bubble cutout. Guess Who Students become detectives in this get-acquainted game, in which they uncover the real identity of a fellow classmate.

Träna på oregelbundna verb

Reading tasks. Listening tasks. Activities for correcting writing in the language classroom. How can teachers encourage learners to correct their own writing?

Activities for correcting writing in the language classroom

Second-time winner of TeachingEnglish blog award, Cristina Cabal, offers a few tried and tested error-correction activities. Does every single writing error need to be corrected? In the learning of a second language, this is a question that stirs up great controversy. While it is true that most spelling errors will disappear as learner proficiency increases, there are some persistent errors – mainly grammatical – which remain despite repeated efforts to correct them. In the following collection of error-correction activities for writing, the main aim is to get students to identify and correct writing errors taken from their own essays. The activities are fun and highly motivating, and because they are fast-paced, I would suggest going through the errors with the whole class a second time at the end to reinforce learning.

Use 'grass skirts' This activity is a lot of fun. Use sticky notes. Movie Shorts and Reading Strategies. Hello friends!

Movie Shorts and Reading Strategies

Monsters University, what a great movie. But, the short, "Blue Umbrella" really affected me. Not only did it make me feel sad for inanimate objects, but it also made me do some metacognition. I realized I was predicting and inferring the entire time. I realized this was a gem for introducing and practicing important reading strategies. This first google doc link is to a list of animated shorts. The second google doc link is to a list of graphic organizers to use with each short.

Träna am/is/are, was/were och have/has/had

Träna verb i presens. Writing Exercises and Prompts. Träna på singular och plural av substantiv. On the Run - refugees. Video Lesson Plans for Teachers. School Days, School Days: Highly Effective Discussion Based Activities on School. Life of a student Instructions LPP. BusyTeacher: Free Printable Worksheets For Busy Teachers Like YOU!

Human Rights - Nelson Mandela. Describing appearanes. Short films. Flexible Classrooms: Providing the Learning Environment That Kids Need. Word Study Collections in the Elementary Classroom. Posted 07/19/2015 7:57PM | Last Commented 07/19/2015 7:57PM I read Stephen King’s book, On Writing, in 2007 while attending the Pennsylvania Writing and Literature Project’s summer writing institute. One of my fellow attendees mentioned that Stephen King likes to write to heavy music like Metallica and Guns and Roses, which immediately sparked my attention. She said, “There’s more about it in his book, On Writing.” I purchased the book on the way home from the institute and read it in three days, probably one of the fastest books I’ve ever read. I went on to read many more King novels, which taught me way more about storytelling and word choice than over twenty years of schooling. I’m here to discuss words. Something we already knew, right?

There are tons of ways to teach/collect words. Collecting Words Words come from all subjects, but mostly our vocabulary words come from reading and writing. Sketch and Write This word study for the week consists of four words. All Things Topics - Home. Check also New Teacher Introductions in Teach by Calendar August 19th Warm-up Welcome to a New School Year (4:27) Video clip with powerful messages to live up toBack to School Expectations Vs.

Reality! My-goals. Christmas quiz. Christmas Quiz 2014.


Vocabulary. Grammar. Reading. Listen.