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Poufs!! DIY Projects. Forget the ottoman, what’s hot in style right now are poufs!

Poufs!! DIY Projects

Easy to put your feet up on, great as spare seating and frankly, they just look cool… DIY poufs are projects that can add double duty decor to your room, with a good dose of on trend design. I bought one for Steve for last Christmas… let’s just say, I wish I had made it! They are not cheap, even at a place like West Elm or Crate and Barrel. The other problem I had is that I couldn’t find it in the exact color I was looking for, so I had to settle. Never a good thing. Drum Floor Pouf DIY. Ok, deep question time: Are you a "floor sitter"?

Drum Floor Pouf DIY

In other words, if you go to a party at someone's house, do you always end up sitting on the floor even when there are available seats? I know I do. The past two winters, my husband and I have spent most of our free time laying, sitting, or kneeling on the floor as close to the fire as we can, trying to soak up all it's warm goodness. We even bought a pouf last year with the sole purpose of sitting next to the fireplace. This plan worked great for a while, but after a few months the filling in the pouf started to sink and now it's looks like a sad little round rug on the floor. ~Gathering Apron Tutorial~ - Reformation Acres.

I’m incredibly excited to share this tutorial with you today!

~Gathering Apron Tutorial~ - Reformation Acres

After mentioning that I was in the market for an apron that would be long enough to accommodate impromptu garden harvests, I was introduced to the concept of a gathering apron. Obviously, I immediately loved it! A gathering harvest apron is perfect and was better than what I was looking for! But if I’m to bother with wearing an apron, it must have a bib. Clear Toy Storage Bags (with drawstring closure)

Why do kids like toys with so many itty bitty little pieces?

Clear Toy Storage Bags (with drawstring closure)

I guess it increases the fun factor. Tiny brushes. Tiny shoes. Tiny tea pot sets. Tiny cars. TUTORIAL - Easter Pot Holder. Whilst I have had a particularly long break this summer, not a day goes by where I don’t stop thinking about my work.

TUTORIAL - Easter Pot Holder

I am forever looking for inspiration and it comes from just about anything. I window shop, people watch, sketch, draw, colour and read. I pull out my vintage paper patterns and books, flick through my sewing books and magazines. I brainstorm, plan, make lists and daydream! Actually one of my most favourite things to do is cut pictures from magazines and stick them into a scrapbook.

Поделки своими руками - Пенал своими руками для школы в форме машинки. Неизбежность первого сентября ежегодно заставляет всех родителей заниматься поисками школьных принадлежностей, и если с тетрадками и ручками все понятно, то к пеналу юные школьники предъявляют особые требования.

Поделки своими руками - Пенал своими руками для школы в форме машинки

Каждому ребенку хочется не только красивый, но и оригинальный пенал для карандашей, поэтому я предлагаю сегодня рассмотреть мастер-класс по изготовлению пенала-машинки, который однозначно понравится ребенку. Пенал своими руками для школы мы можем изготовить, взяв: - лоскутки понравившейся ткани. В примере используется клетчатая ткань для корпуса машинки (автобуса), белая ткань для окон, и коричневая или черная – для шин;- две крупных светлых пуговицы для колес;- ножницы;- нитки;- игла;- синтепон.

Делаем выкройку необходимых деталей для машинки. Для пенала-автобуса выкраиваем немного другие детали (большее количество небольших окон), и располагаем их в таком порядке: Пришиваем окошки к корпусу машины. Более объемно смотрятся пеналы-автобусы, представленные на фото ниже. Inspire Me Now. Wood Mouse & Bobbit: Finally Got to Make My Own Bobbit Pencil Case. Shark Pencil Case Tutorial. * This post may contain affiliate links.

Shark Pencil Case Tutorial

Read my disclosure policy here. Pinterest. Cot bumper Owl Stars Stripes Spots and Moon 4 by SiennaChic. Siège auto cosy wrap gris et blanc avec nuage de par SiennaChic. Bow Tie Drool Bibs…for BOYS! (from a Men’s shirt) The day my kids go back to school after winter break is when the New Year officially starts for me.

Bow Tie Drool Bibs…for BOYS! (from a Men’s shirt)

Because while they’re still home, I’m still in vacation mode. The routine is off, everyone stays up later, we play a little harder, watch more movies, eat more treats, and everyone sleeps in a little later (hallelujah!). But today is the day that the kiddos start back to school. So, 2015 starts TODAY for me. Happy official New Year, friends!!


Make a Girly Twirly Skirt. Here's an easy 2 tier skirt to make your little girl.

Make a Girly Twirly Skirt

No patterns just a few measurements. You need a waist measurement and how long you want your skirt. The Layered Skirt. Many of you commented that Lucy’s seersucker skirt last week would be great for Easter.

the Layered Skirt

So I got busy. And here it is. A tutorial for girls (and moms?) Easy Baby Skirt Tutorial and Pattern. <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic. <div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> (This is the project for Week 4 of the Learn to Sew series.) Seriously, I need to stop sewing things for baby girls. (tutorial) pillowcase nightgowns take 2 - iCandy handmade.

18Jul Well, Emily is now growing out of those cute nightgowns, so I knew it was time to make some more. Recently, I came across this picture on Pinterest: