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TRITS Project | Timeline of Cheese. TRITS Project | Elaboration,production and consumption. Introduction Cheese is one of the main agricultural products in the world. According to FAO, (Food and Agriculture Organization) of the United Nations, are produced annually in the world more than 18 million tons. To give us an idea of ​​the magnitude and importance of this quantity food production is higher for example the annual production of coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa beans and snuff together. United States being the major product, with 30% of world production, followed by Germany and France with 13% and 12% respectively. Elaboration The transformation of milk into cheese generally comprises seven steps: Treatment of Milk Coagulation Cutting the curd and draining Molding Pressing Salty Tuned or Maturation. More information: class="wiki wikinew">? Production The productio has been increase during this year thanks by new tecnologies. In Spain: In France: Consumption. TRITS Project | Proverbs and Traditions.

PROVERBS ARE ALWAYS POPULAR, FUNNY AND PART OF OUR CULTURE AND TRADITIONS; here are some examples: In Spanish: De queso un pedazo y que te dure todo el año - El pan sin ojos y el queso con ellos - El que pide en exceso le dan lo que envuelve el queso - Mucho pan y poco queso es de hombre de esos - Aceitunas, pan y queso es lo que tiene la corte en peso - El que come peso sin pelar, come mierda sin cesar - El queso pesado y el pan liviano - La luna no es de queso ni se come con melao - En el modo de cortar queso se conoce al tendero - Con queso y pan puesta la mesa está -El queso en la quesera y el trigo en la era - El queso y el barbecho, de mayo sea hecho In English: - Cheese, wine, and a friend must be old to be good - If ill luck were cheese, dairy-women would go wanting work - Cheese and bread make the cheeks red - Cheese is gold in the morning, silver at noon, and lead at night - Is not the fault of the mouse, but of the one who offers him the cheese - Is better to scrape the cheese than to peel it.

TRITS Project | Role of women. The woman had a very important role to make cheese, in Spain the ancient people say they were the real produces of cheese, because here was a women work, they do all to make cheese Today the role of woman has been replace by new tecnologies and the cheese now is made in factories A New York chef makes cheese with the milk of his wife Just over a year ago the owner of a restaurant in Switzerland wanted to introduce breast milk among the ingredients in their menus. Daniel Angerer is now a New York chef , restaurant owner Klee Brasserie in Manhattan , who has returned to using breast milk as an ingredient in the kitchen made ​​a recipe of cheese milk. The aim is not to offer it to customers as they happen as the owner of the Swiss restaurant , health authorities have been in contact with him to make sure he didn't sell it to the public.

The idea was simply trying to make cheese with excess breast milk he had at home . An Interview About this news: TRITS Project | Types Of Cheese. There are several types of cheese, which are grouped or classified according to criteria such as length of ageing, texture, methods of making, fat content, animal milk, country or region of origin, etc. The method most commonly and traditionally used is based on moisture content, which is then further narrowed down by fat content and curing or ripening methods. The main factor in the categorization of these cheeses is their age. Fresh cheeses without additional preservatives can spoil in a matter of days. For these simplest cheeses, milk is heated and drained, with little other processing.

Such cheeses are soft and spreadable, with a mild flavour. Whey cheeses are fresh cheeses made from whey, which would otherwise be discarded, in the process of producing other cheeses. Brocciu is mostly eaten fresh, and is as such a major ingredient in Corsican cuisine, but it can also be found in an aged form. Categorizing cheeses by moisture content or firmness is a common but inexact practice.

Mold: TRITS Project | History. History introdutionCheese is an ancient food whose origins may predate written history. This was discovered in Central Asia, and Middle East. It spread to Europe and became a sophisticated business in Roman times. It is when the influence of Rome declined and emerged different local processing techniques. This reached its peak in the early global time. This food,as we have said before, is very old; there are cheese like "cheddar" current dating from 1500, or "parmesano" from 1597, "gouda" from 1697, and "camembert" from 1791, to say some examples.

Old Greece and Rome The mythology of ancient Greece told Aristeo discovered the cheese.In the Odisea of Homero (S VIII BC) it described Cíclope did and stored keeping sheep and goat cheeses. In Old Rome it was a daily meal, and the manufacturing process was not so different from today outside the industrial area. The cheese is only popular in Europe couse here people made this culture. As time passed, more important people consumed this. Link) La Enciclopedia del Queso en España.