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‪Java Programming Tutorial - 10 - If Statement‬‏ ‪Java Programming Tutorial - 9 - Increment Operators‬‏ Learn Java programming tutorial lesson 1 - First Program. What is Java? Java is an object-oriented programming language which was developed by Sun Microsystems. Java programs are platform independant which means they can be run on any operating system with any type of processor as long as the Java interpreter is available on that system.

What you will need You will need the Java software development kit from Sun's Java site . Follow the instructions on Sun's website to install it. Make sure that you add the java bin directory to your PATH environment variable. Writing your first Java program You will need to write your Java programs using a text editor. Public class Hello This creates a class called Hello. We must now create the main method which is the section that a program starts. public static void main(String[] args) The word public means that it is accessible by any other classes. static means that it is unique. void is the return value but void means nothing which means there will be no return value. main is the name of the method.

Java Hello. Free Online Course Materials. Free Training. Design blogs on my subscription list. 14+ YouTube Playlists To Watch & Learn Computer Programming Quickly. Since it never hurts to learn something new, especially a skill set like computer programming in different languages, we will go over some of the best channels that will introduce you to the world of programming. Let’s look at which channels made the cut. thenewboston thenewboston is a truly great channel with an immense collection of programming tutorials. The official website contains a list of all the tutorials made so far, which are well into the thousands (about 1500 videos as of this writing). Not only does it have tutorials for various programming languages, but it also has videos on building computers, tutorials for software like Dreamweaver and After Effects, as well as 3D-modeling software. The website now also has plans to present tutorials for a variety of other topics, like Math and Biology.

Since all these tutorials are free, thenewboston is probably the greatest source of video tutorials for people interested in beginning programming languages.