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Fundación Contemporánea. Bienvenido a 2009: Converging Pathways to New Knowledge. Converging Pathways to New Knowledge is a LabforCulture initiative considering the future of knowledge building and knowledge sharing within a new digital paradigm. The Converging Pathways to New Knowledge Publication is out now! The publication, Converging Pathways to New Knowledge, brings together online and offline conversations facilitated by LabforCulture and Kennisland, looks at the different ways we are all experiencing what can be termed a “digital shift”, is out today. The conversations featured in this publication include contributions from leading thinkers in science, technology, creative industries and business, considering how our knowledge building has been affected by the digital shift and giving both insight and examples of these shifts. Contributors include Ken Arnold, Wellcome Trust (UK); Olivier Schulbaum, Platoniq (ES) and Floor van Spaendonck, Virtueel Platform (NL) ingeniously pulled together by Martijn Arnoldus, Kennisland (NL).

Buy or download (English version) Portal Iberoamericano de Gestión Cultural. Cultural box. Citizensofculture. INTERARTS. Gestión y Cultura revista. Docultura. Empty module and/or action after parsing the URL "/docultura/" (/). stack trace at () in line 44 ... if (empty( $moduleName ) || empty( $actionName )) throw new sfError404Exception ( sprintf ( 'Empty module and/or action after parsing the URL "%s" (%s/%s).' , $request -> getPathInfo (), $moduleName , $actionName )); // make the first request at () in line 170 ... public function dispatch () $this -> getController ()-> dispatch (); at () in line 19 ... $configuration = ProjectConfiguration :: getApplicationConfiguration ( 'frontend' , 'prod' , true ); //var_dump($configuration); sfContext :: createInstance ( $configuration )-> dispatch (); symfony settings ... request ... response ... options: auto_shutdown: false culture: null default_culture: en use_flash: true logging: '' timeout: 1800 attributeHolder: { } culture: en global vars ...

. . . A P G C C . . . Associació de Professionals de la Gestió Cultural de Catalunya.