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#MUSEUdeMEMES#MUSEUdeMEMES. BEBÊ Desconfiado. Funkeiro Poser. Bolsonaro Zuero 3.0. Me caiu os butiás do bolso: veja a tradução de expressões úteis para turistas em Porto Alegre - Zero Hora. Com a Copa do Mundo batendo à porta, a capital dos gaúchos se prepara para receber mais turistas do que nunca. Pensando nisso, ZH fez uma brincadeira com 18 expressões (à la inglês de Joel Santana) que podem fazer a diferença no dia a dia dos nossos visitantes. Nos vídeos abaixo, gravados com repórteres e editores do jornal, confira a pronúncia, a tradução literal e o significado de cada frase.

If you are a tourist in Porto Alegre, here are some expressions that can make the difference during your stay. Enjoy! 1. Me caiu os butiás do bolso = Butiá fruit fell of my pocket Significado: estou impressionado = Meaning: I'm impressed! 2. Significado: a coisa ficou complicada = Meaning: things just got complicated 3. Significado: não seja sonso = Meaning: don't be foolish 4. Significado: frio forte = Meaning: very cold 5. Significado: nem pensar = Meaning: no way or Don't even think about it 6. Significado: pão francês = Meaning: french bread (baked in a brazilian manner) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Te aprochega que os cuscos estão atados - GauchãoOnLine.RS. 26 coisas que só as pessoas eternamente cansadas vão entender. Pagode Filosófico. The 6 Types of People Everyone Dates (A User's Guide) Getty/Brendan Put your big boy boots on. The first time you find yourself in a relationship that isn't working, you have two options: lie to yourself, or admit that even the best solution is going to suck -- hurting somebody you care about in order to do right by them. A third option is to pay a gigolo to seduce her away to a private island for a whirlwind romance that convinces her to take a chance on life ... but you probably couldn't afford my rates once you'd paid for the island. This is an everybody quandary, but at least some folks are mean enough to know the damage they're capable of doing. The first time anyone who can't turn off the empathy lights does this, you learn something ugly about yourself -- and I don't mean ugly like the time you discovered a mole on your taint that looks like Henry Kissinger.

We all paid for thisBut really, don't they all? It sucks more to be the person getting cut loose from their happy fix, obviously. What You Want What You Get Are they still there? Best Worst Fight Scene Ever. Worst Movie Death Scene Ever!