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Salesforce's APEX Namespace requirement creates barrier to continuous integration — Bracket Labs. Hey, I'm Jordan, one of the developers at Bracket Labs and I'm going to occasionally blog about Salesforce development stuff here.

Salesforce's APEX Namespace requirement creates barrier to continuous integration — Bracket Labs

If you're not interested in the nitty-gritty of building Salesforce apps, you'll probably want to skip my posts For my first post I thought I'd document some pain I've been living for the past week related to APEX Namespace issues Background Developers working on the (SFDC) are all too familiar with the many roadblocks to continuous-integration. IDE's typically help developers leverage CI to manage source control, building, deployment, unit testing, etc. However, in working with SFDC, we've learned that no general consensus exists amongst the community of developers about how exactly to handle the various nuances of CI for SFDC. At Bracket Labs we've created (with some generous help from friends like Alex Sutherland) an Agile based process where individual developers use personal instances to test/write/build code.

Managing a release: Managed package - How can my code tell if it's inside the packaging org? - Salesforce Beta - Stack Exchange. Current community your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. more stack exchange communities Stack Exchange sign up log in tour help Salesforce beta Ask Question Take the 2-minute tour × Salesforce Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Salesforce administrators, implementation experts, developers and anybody in-between.

managed package - How can my code tell if it's inside the packaging org? - Salesforce Beta - Stack Exchange

How can my code tell if it's inside the packaging org? 1 Answer active oldest votes Your Answer Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Stack Exchange Post as a guest discard By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Apex - Managed Package Integration without Extensions or Dependencies - Salesforce Beta - Stack Exchange. Suppose I am developing a managed package and I want to build some additional packages that can integrate to it.

apex - Managed Package Integration without Extensions or Dependencies - Salesforce Beta - Stack Exchange

Let's call the main package Package A. I want to create a separate package (Package B). When Package B is installed in an org where Package A is deployed, I'd like to build "awareness" into Pacakage A so that it knows that Package B is installed. This shouldn't be to difficult since I can do some describes and look for the SObjects in Package B to know if it's installed. IMPORTANT NOTE: Package B should NOT require that Package A is installed. Now the tricky (maybe impossible) part... I'd like for Package B to expose an API for integration to Package A or any other application in the future. Is there any way to do this?

The only thing that I can think of that might work is a third package that depends on both Package A and Package B that acts like a proxy. Any thoughts or suggestions? Do updates to Profile Settings in a managed package apply to cloned profiles? - Salesforce Beta - Stack Exchange.