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Handy Tips!

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Easy way to cut cd fragments for decor. Easy Cap Sleeve Tutorial! I want to give a few disclaimers prior to any of you reading this...First and foremost, I am self-taught, I'm sure there are other ways of doing this out there, but this is the easiest way I have figured out how to do it :) Second, this is the first tutorial I've ever done, and I did it based on how I learn, and if I can't do something hands on, I need A LOT of pictures! Those being said, here it is, lots of pictures and my best explaination of how to put a cap sleeve on a shirt!

The first thing is to decide on how big the sleeve needs to be. I decided mine needed to be eight inches around and three inches wide, so I will add one inch to both of those for seam allowances. Next, I measured these out on a piece of paper. First the length, make sure to place a mark in the center. At the center mark, measure the width. Cut this out, and fold in half to even up, Once you have evened up all of the edges, this is what you will use for the pattern to cut out your sleeves. YAY!! Hugs, heather!! Easy way to make scallop hem. So you ready to learn how to create a scallop hem on any old pair of shorts? Lets do it! 1) Start with your shorts 2) Now fold the hem up a couple of inches with right sides together 3) Make your scallop stencil. As with my previous scallop hem project, I used contact plastic – that way you can stick it to your fabric, and have an easy guide! 4) Cut your stencil out and remove the paper backing. 5) Sew around the stencil as close as you can to the edge without actually sewing on it. 6) Keep in mind where your stencil join is, i made sure mine would be inbetween the legs so that if i ended up with a funky shaped scallop it would be hidden 7) Peel off your stencil carefully, and stick it back on the backing paper so that you can use it again 8) Cut inbetween the scallops, as close as you dare to the stitches, without actually cutting them. 9) Trim the excess fabric around the scallops. 10) Now turn your hem the right way round, so that the right sides of fabric is facing outwards.

How To make modge podge! Don't you guys love Pinterest? That's where I found this idea. Here's a great way to save some money on your craft addictions; make you own Decoupage! And it really works plus it's easy to do. You need.... A jar Elmers Glue Water Empty the glue into a jar. Add Water. Shake shake shake And you are done!! I know it works because i used it to paste this paper label onto the jar :) It could make a great gift for your crafting buddies Do you have QUESTIONS about this? How to fix a broken nail. Hi, Today I'll show you a very useful tutorial for those really annoying situations when you have ten beautiful long nails and one of them breaks.

Now you don't have to cut them all anymore! Here's the solution. Take a tea-bag and empty it. Cut a small piece to fit your crack.