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Badges - Kinky Merit Badges. Laser Sword Sex Toys - Dildos. Laser Sword Dildos Here's what you need: a toy laser sword with a retractable blade, a brightly colored clear jelly dildo, a utility knife, and a mini LED flashlight.

Laser Sword Sex Toys - Dildos

Match the color of the flashlight to the color of the dildo if you can. With the utility knife, carefully cut a slot into the base of the dildos deep enough and wide enough for the flashlight to fit inside. Be careful not to cut too far toward the edges of the dildo or it will split in half. Slatts Rescue Belt (paracord belt upgrade) For those of you who are regular visitors to this site, you know how often I stress making 550 Paracord an essential item in your bug-out-bag, survival kit, car and so on — the more the better.

Slatts Rescue Belt (paracord belt upgrade)

Given the strength of paracord (550 lbs of tensile strength) and its many applications (tiedowns, lashings, shelter building, friction fire making, fishing line and nets, splints, repairing equipment, tooth floss and many more) it’s one of those things you should never leave home without. In my article on How to Put Together a Survival Kit I talk about my three-tiered survival kit system, with the first tier being what you always have on your person. Foxy Furniture - Dungeon Furnishings Hidden in Plain Sight! The Better Built Bondage Book. ChainMaille: Byz 4in1 Tube Chain. A DIY Winch. The DIY Winch is a simple one way tightening device that works with rope.

A DIY Winch

I have dozens of these at hand because they work so well. You basically need two solid metal rings, the guage depends on the application, two pieces of rope (no thicker than the diameter of the metal used to make the ring) an anchoring object and a couple weaves of the rope. Create a simple larks head knot over both rings using the lark's head of one piece of rope. This rope should be about two feet long which after folded in half and knotted will provide several inches of rope to tie to your anchor point. Your other rope needs to be woven into the two rings in a very specific manner. Sartan's Working With Leather: Quickies. For me, the real fun of leather crafting is the creative aspects.. making an altogether new design, simulating and improving an existing one, or combining things in unique ways.

Sartan's Working With Leather: Quickies

The skills required to actually execute the construction of a piece are pretty basic, and once they are mastered a whole realm of possibilities open up. The Quickies page is something of a jumping-off point to these possibilities. I'm going to ramble on about how projects might be combined, changed, or perverted to give a different and potentially desirable result. Consider it an easy way to add projects without really going through the painful process of making plan and page (you'd be surprised how much time it takes to make a project page for this site).

The onus is on you to creatively implement the comments on this page. Shibari Nation. Both natural fibre ropes, and synthetic ropes can be used for bondage, though each has their own properties and may be more suitable in certain situations.

Shibari Nation

In the images on this website, hemp and jute ropes are most commonly used, with nylon being used for photoshoots involving water. Natural fibre ropes: Paracord Monkey Fist. Paracord Projects. Complete Shibari. \\ Japan Rope. - Home. Two Knotty Boys.