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Modernité de Machiavel, par Agostino Cencioni. Année 2003-2004 : 5 novembre 2003 Niccolo Macchiavelli, en français Nicolas Machiavel, naquit à Florence me 3 mai 1469. Son père était avocat et docteur en droit, et Nicolas commença lui aussi des études de droit. Cependant il préférait l’étude du latin, et lisait avec passion les auteurs latins, qu’il traduisait à l'occasion. Mais c’est surtout la politique et le pouvoir qui l’intéressaient, et il obtint très jeune, en 1498, le poste de secrétaire de chancellerie de la République de Florence. Il occupe ce poste durant 14 ans. Gia, à Rome). Le retour des Médicis à Florence en 1512, et les soupçons qui pèsent sur sa participation éventuelle à une conjuration, le privent définitivement de son poste, et il se retire dans ses terres à San Casciano, à quelques lieues de Florence.

On connaît de lui bien d’autres écrits, dont “La Mandragore”, une comédie burlesque qui obtient un franc succès, et une “Histoire de Florence” qu’il écrit de 1521 à 1525 à la demande du Cardinal Jules de Médicis. Althusser and Foucault on Machiavelli's Political Technique. "It cannot be a Real Person, a Concrete Individual": Althusser and Foucault on Machiavelli's Political Technique Adam Holden & Stuart Elden Durham University 1.

In this article we want to discuss the relationship between Foucault and Althusser on the particular issue of their readings of Machiavelli. The relation in general has been examined in some depth, in terms of a biographical encounter, their shared concerns, and Foucault's critique of certain aspects of Althusser's work. Biographically there is much to be said, in terms of the teacher-student relationship when Foucault studied under Althusser at the École Normale Superieure, how Althusser was crucial in Foucault joining the French Communist Party (PCF), and their subsequent relations (Elliott 1987, Moulier Boutang 1992, Eribon 1993, Macey 1993). 2. 3. Machiavelli in Foucault 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Althusser on Machiavelli 18. 19. Shakespeare's links to Machiavelli and Montaigne.

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The Question of Machiavelli. For more information about Isaiah Berlin, see the Isaiah Berlin Virtual Library. For permission to reprint any material by Isaiah Berlin, contact Curtis Brown Group Ltd. There is something surprising about the sheer number of interpretations of Machiavelli’s political opinions. There exist, even now, over a score of leading theories of how to interpret The Prince and The Discourses—apart from a cloud of subsidiary views and glosses. The bibliography of this is vast and growing faster than ever.

While there may exist no more than the normal extent of disagreement about the meaning of particular terms or theses contained in these works, there is a startling degree of divergence about the central view, the basic political attitude of Machiavelli. This phenomenon is easier to understand in the case of other thinkers whose opinions have continued to puzzle or agitate mankind—Plato, for example, or Rousseau or Hegel or Marx. But it is not this that has shocked Western feeling.