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First Certificate in English ADV I(FCE) Listening. First (FCE) – Upper-intermediate English language exam. Lesson downloads - First Certificate - British Council - LearnEnglish Professionals. English Courses for Companies. Exam Information. The questions look like this: Example: It was impossible for Pepito to become accustomed to living in England. Pepito couldn’t ________________ living in England. Here they are testing the verb get used to, so they will expect the answer to be; Answer: Pepito couldn’t get used to living in England.

It’s important to keep the meaning of the second sentence as close as possible to the first. Luis asked me to collect him from the airport. Luis asked me _____________ from the airport. This is testing a phrasal verb to pick up; Answer: Luis asked me to pick him up from the airport. • Ask yourself what they are testing in the question. . • If the verb tense in the first sentence is continuous, try to keep the second sentence continuous (if possible) . • You need to write between two and five words in the space and you must use the word given without changing it. . • Do not leave the answer sheet blank for any question. . • When you have finished, transfer your answers to the separate answer sheet. English Tests - Cambridge First Certificate in English - FCE. FCE - FIRST CERTIFICATE IN ENGLISH, examination.

Cambridge FCE Use of English Part 4: free practice test. Free use of English Exercises | Cambridge ESOL English Exercises | Free Online Language Tests. Free FCE practice reading use of English exercises tests Cambridge First Certificate with answers. Flo-Joe for First Certificate, Certificate in Advanced English and Certificate of Proficiency in English. Cambridge English Language Assessment exams. FCE Practice tests for the EFL Exams. FCE Practice Tests.