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La laguna de Huacachina. She traveled to 11 countries on a trip, in each country she collected dirt/soil from the ground. This is all the dirt layered in one jar. Acampar en el Nevado de Toluca. Fotografía cortesía de Juan Carlos Piña Si estas iniciando en el mundo del alpinismo o eres un campista que desea un campamento en alta montaña, el nevado de Toluca es una excelente opción.

Acampar en el Nevado de Toluca

El parque nacional Nevado de Toluca ocupa el cuarto lugar de las montañas más altas de México con una altura en promedio de 4,559 msnm. Acampar en este volcán es una experiencia increíble, pero sumamente fría –incluso más que en el Iztaccihuatl– por lo cual siempre recomiendo ir bien preparado con la ropa y el equipo necesario para pernoctar cálidamente. Aunque está prohibido acampar en el interior del cráter –Para ser precisos, las lagunas– No queda más que adaptarse y colocar la casa de campaña junto a la última “pluma” de registro y si el clima lo permite realización una caminata nocturna “Al sol y la Luna”.

Algunas recomendaciones : Considera el frío y el clima El clima en alta montaña puede cambiar de un momento a otro. Lleva suficientes provisiones Equipo básico Costo por acampar. Sotano Golondrinas. Sotano de las golondrinas Un Dia 9:00 am Desayuno 9:30 am Preparacion de equipo 10:00 am Avistamiento de 10:30 am inicio de Descenso 11:10 am Descenso al fondo de cavidad 1:10 pm Inicio de Ascenso 2:40 pm llegada a la superficie El intinerario es de dos dias, siendo el dia anterior dedicado para acercamiento a el area de acampada, punto de reunion previo acuerdo de participante y guias, asi como el traslado en sus propios vehiculos.

Sotano Golondrinas

La duracion promedio de ascenso y descenso varia ya de la condicion fisica del participante, ademas del tiempo de estancia dentro del sotano es variable dependiendo del numero de participantes NIVEL DE DIFICULTAD TECNICO: Media alta NIVEL DE DIFICULTAD FISICA: Media ACTIVIDADES A REALIZAR: Rapel, Ascenso por cuerda, Espeleismo. Maptia Blog. Around the World in 360° Degrees - 3 Year Epic Selfie. On The Edge of The World: Pulpit Rock, Norway. Pulpit Rock, locally known as Preikestolen, is a curiously shaped cliff hanging over the Lysefjorden in Ryfylke, Norway.

On The Edge of The World: Pulpit Rock, Norway

The flat, pulpit-like top shelf is a perfect square, measuring 25 by 25 meters (82 by 82 feet), and is famous as one of the world’s most breathtaking viewing platforms. Rising 604 metres (1982 feet) above the fjord, climbing Pulpit Rock is one of the best ways to enjoy the Norwegian wilderness. In 2012, the site has increased its annual visitor count by between 150,000 and 200,000 people, making it more populated than the nearby Kjerag plateau (1,100 meters asl), also a popular hiking spot. The peculiar-shaped mountain was said to have formed 10,000 years ago during the Ice Age, when glacier waters froze at the sides of the cliff and chipped off angular blocks of rock, resulting to the rectangular shape of the cliff. Geologists also report that a deep crack lies within the plateau, which would eventually cause the rock to collapse. Featured image source: Bucket List #1: Dive With Whales in The Kingdom of Tonga — KNSTRCT - Carefully Curated Design News.

Everybody has a bucket list of sorts, even those that aren’t familiar with the term.

Bucket List #1: Dive With Whales in The Kingdom of Tonga — KNSTRCT - Carefully Curated Design News

Life moves pretty fast so it’s only natural that we start planning ahead for the things that look so inconceivably earth shattering and mind altering that we have no choice but to partake. Whale watching is a prominent activity amongst nature enthusiasts and animal lovers. As exciting as this may be, we here at KNSTRCT have found an alternative that is guaranteed to rock your whale loving socks off, and is sure to be something that will shoot toward the top of your bucket list. The whale experiences we are accustomed to here in America are absolutely nothing compared to the adventures waiting in the islands of the Pacific. The Kingdom of Tonga has an enormous of opportunities to interact with whales firsthand, in an intimate setting that is unlike anything else in the world.

This island chain is home to the world's last Polynesian monarchy. Photography by Matthew Coutts.