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Indignezvous. Financial sector reguatory reform? Breaking the Banks. The following expresses my personal views, not those of the SEC or its staff. A few months ago I wrote a post entitled “Why do bankers make so much money?” A corollary question is, “Why do the largest banks make so much more than other banks?” Addressing this question can help us solve the problem the largest banks pose for systemic risk, and open a channel for demands to curb their outsized profits. Profits that, by the way, are not exactly coming from producing real goods like steel or flat screen TVs. The largest banks are different from the rest, and different in ways that make them seem to be bad citizens. Amount of risk takingSupplying and pushing of derivatives and other “innovative products”Complexity and opaqueness of operationIncentive structure and level of compensationAbility to call on government support (too-big-to-fail coupled with political weight) It is not the case that the largest banks are the same as other banks, just bigger.

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