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Tablet Case

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David's DIY DODOcase: The Old Book Case for iPad. Love, Pomegranate HouseLove, Pomegranate House. For the hubby’s birthday this year, he got a tablet.

Love, Pomegranate HouseLove, Pomegranate House

He had been wanting one for quite some time and I splurged and got one for him. I also wanted to get him a tablet cover so it could travel safely with him wherever he goes. But have you seen how much those things cost!? The Wonderful Wizard of Oz eBook jacket. It's time to put the "book" back into eBooks.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz eBook jacket

Made by the oldest bookbindery in the U.S. to look, feel and wear like an actual book. From the first edition cover. No-Sew Book Cover for your eReader or Tablet. This is the most important and time consuming part of the project.

No-Sew Book Cover for your eReader or Tablet

Seriously. I spent 15 minutes making the cover, and two days picking out the book. Recycle a Book into an iPad Stealth Case. How to Turn an Old Book Into Tablet Case.