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Connect SqueezePlay to Turn off motion sensor in controller? Delay issue between SqueezePlay and Squeezebox devices. I've built a windows version of SqueezePlay with DirectSound and MME audio device support and the ability to select the output device and set the maximum sample rate. ASIO, WASAPI and WDMKS support have been removed as they hang audio playback after the first sample rate change on win7+. See comments in git repository for details.To restore ASIO, WASAPI and WDMKS support in squeezeplay after installation replace portaudio.dll in the C:\Program Files\SqueezePlay folder with the one from squeezelite-1.6.4-435-win32.zipThe file on mediafire supports all windows audio hostapis and if started with a different mac address using the -m option, can be controlled with squeezeplay.Squeezelite can also be setup as a windows service see this how to thread for details.7.8.0r417 Removed WDMKS support as it fails after the first sample rate change on win7+.

Support for mac address assignment using UTMAC environment variable. Doc Squeezebox Duet FRA. Squeezebox Controller Audio Playback. Beginning with 7.3 firmware, the Squeezebox Controller (SBC) can be used for audio playback locally through the headphone jack or the controller's small internal speaker*. This feature is considered beta quality. If problems are experienced while using this feature, help make it better by opening an issue in Bugzilla. *editor's note: sound quality through the internal speaker is not great for music, but subjectively sufficient for e.g., talk radio. Think of it like a streaming pocket transistor radio :) Enabling local playback Local playback can be enabled through Settings->Advanced->Beta Features->Audio Playback Selecting Controller as player Select Choose Player from the home menu on the controller, you may need to restart the controller before it appears. Note: Plugging headphones into the controller's 3.5mm jack will automatically select the controller as your selected player Current limitations.

Squeezebox: RIP :( Même si on s'en doutait depuis quelques temps, nous avons aujourd'hui la confirmation via le blog Multiroom: c'est la fin des Squeezebox :( Le SLIMP3 dans son boîtier plus que basique est ensuite devenu la SqueezeBox, sous la marque Slim Devices. Le boîtier évolue et prend une forme en plastique arrondie, qui sera disponible dans différentes couleurs, et devient la SqueezeBox. Puis c’est le rachat de Slim Devices par Logitech en octobre 2006. Ce qui était une bonne opportunité de développement s’est finalement soldé par une lente mise à l’écart de la division SqueezeBox au sein de Logitech.Les nouveautés ont fleuri, un nouveau boîtier pour le modèle Classic, le Transporter pour les audiophiles, la Duet et sa télécommande couleurs.

Je vous avais présenté cette super solution l'année dernière, qui permettait de faire du multiroom audio à des couts vraiment abordables. Si vous avez des idées pour du multiroom audio abordable, n'hésitez donc pas à partager vos idées.