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iPhone cleaning. Are Glass Screen Protectors Better Than Plastic Ones? Waze GPS : Comment avoir les radars. Nous vous l'avons annoncé il y a deux jours, l'application de GPS Waze (App, iPhone et iPad, 3 étoiles - 677 votes, VO, 25.1 Mo, Lien App Store, Waze Inc.) a perdu le signalement précis des radars et de la Police dans sa dernière mise à jour.

Waze GPS : Comment avoir les radars

Cette modification fait en effet suite à la nouvelle légalisation française en vigueur depuis janvier 2012. Aussi, voici un tuto très simple qui vous explique comment réactiver les radars sur Waze iPhone et iPad en France, si vous avez fait la dernière mise à jour. Téléchargez un explorateur de fichier gratuit comme DiskAid (dispo sur Windows et Mac OS) Branchez votre appareil à votre ordi et cherchez l’application Waze dans le dossier Stockage > Apps Ouvrez le fichier Preferences avec un simple éditeur de texte et trouvez les deux lignes « Geoconfig.Ignore server config » et « Alerts.enable Enforcement Alerts ». 7 Ways to Stop iOS 7 From Killing Your iPhone Battery. Just when you thought battery life couldn't run out any faster on the iPad or iPhone, enter iOS 7.

7 Ways to Stop iOS 7 From Killing Your iPhone Battery

One of the biggest complaints about the the new mobile operating system is how easily it drains your battery. There are a few basic things you might be doing to make precious hours of running time slip away. Here are a few quick fixes to keep iOS 7 devices powered for much longer. 1. Background App Refresh The battery-draining culprit that perhaps bears the most responsibility is a new feature called Background App Refresh, whose default is set to "on" in iOS 7. 2.

Many apps — from Google Maps to Twitter and even the iOS camera — are tracking your location at all times. There's more, too. 3. Apple has added a bunch of new animations and a parallax feature — which makes it seem like the wallpaper can move behind the apps — but they eat away at your power slightly faster. 4. 5. 6.

This has long been a helpful way to save battery life on any device and iOS 7 is no exception. 7. Image: Mashable. Fixing "other files" eating up iPhone storage. Last night as i was syncing my 32gb iPhone 3GS i noticed the issue of “other files” taking up almost half the memory on the iPhone, without any information or clue as to why that all of a sudden happened.

Fixing "other files" eating up iPhone storage

First thing i did was think through if there were any files i had added to the iPhone or any apps installed that would hog the memory in such a way, but could not think of anything. So i started searching on Google to see if anyone else have had the same problem with “other files” eating up iPhone memory, and there seemed to be quite a lot of people out there experiencing the same issue, but a lack of clear explanations as how you can fix it. A lot 0f the people who has experienced this issue had chosen to do a complete restore of the iPhone, a task that depending on the iPhone model you have could take +5 hours and a lot of headache. Here are the steps that worked brilliantly for me: Step 1: Turn of sync music in iTunes. DiskAid - iPhone, iPad, iPod Transfer Software for PC & Mac. Multi-Purpose iPhone File Transfer DiskAid is an iPhone file transfer software available for PC and Mac in 10 languages that gives access to the iOS file system using a USB connection or via Wi-Fi.

DiskAid - iPhone, iPad, iPod Transfer Software for PC & Mac

DiskAid transfers music and video from any iPhone, iPod or iPad right back to the iTunes library or any location on the computer. DiskAid also transfers text messages (SMS), contacts, notes, voicemail, call history and voice memos to computer. It enables to use your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch as an external mass storage device and with an iPhone file browser like FileApp installed, files and documents can easily being accessed on the device. Discover more DiskAid features > The First Wi-Fi & USB iPhone File Transfer Software Ever! DiskAid transfers iPhone files to any computer.

DiskAid also connects directly to all installed Apps on the device and lets you browse their whole contents. Une appli mobile évalue les risques de litiges de la vie quotidienne. 01net. le 18/01/13 à 15h56 Avant la vente d'un véhicule ou un déménagement, certaines précautions sont à prendre pour éviter tout litige juridique ultérieur.

Une appli mobile évalue les risques de litiges de la vie quotidienne

C'est en quelque sorte un pense-bête et une "check-list" vous permettant d'anticiper ces problèmes éventuels que vous propose "checkRISK", une application mobile d'Axa Protection juridique. Disponible gratuitement sous iOS et Android, elle vous propose un diagnostic juridique personnalisé dans les domaines de la vie quotidienne : le logement, la santé, la famille, l’emploi, Internet… Etabli à partir d'un questionnaire interactif, ce diagnostic personnalisé identifie les situations qui peuvent générer des problèmes juridiques et les actions à mener pour les éviter avec une anticipation des actions à mener, selon un calendrier établi pour vous.

Une kyrielle de conseils pratiques ("je vends mon logement, que doit-je faire ? ") IPhone : restaurer l'ancienne version d'une application iphone.