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Tutoriais CSS | HTML | XHTML | Normas do W3C | Tableless | Web Standards | Acessibilidade. Reference. Web2.0. Design. Tool. Blog. Java. Php. Flex. About the Markup Language. eNode has defined a powerful and flexible markup language for describing user interfaces of interactive web applications — much like HTML is a language for describing web pages . The language is designed to describe complex user interfaces and related collections of objects as completely as possible using a declarative XML-based syntax. More Control Over User Interface The advantages of using HTML to describe user interfaces for browser-based clients are well-known.

However, in the final analysis, HTML is still a language for describing web pages , not for describing user interfaces — It takes a lot of low-level code to describe even commonly used controls, and many types of controls just cannot be described in HTML without the support of Java™ applets or other kinds of active objects. Describing and Realizing Objects Your markup data may be authored using a simple text editor or standard XML editing tools, or they may be generated dynamically through servlets or Java Server Pages .
