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Don't wonder or worry about your foundation, make it easy with the friendly experts at Postech Screw Piles Manitoba. Fast, easy, affordable foundations.

Helical piles pros and cons

Ground Screws Installation Process. Piling company. Ground screws. Foundation contractors. Foundation piles. Helical screw piles. Helical screw piles. Helical piers. Ground anchors. Screw piles. Helical piles. VersaPile Inc. - Helical Pile Contractors. How does a Ground Screw Installation Work?

VersaPile Inc. - Helical Pile Contractors

Ground Screws are modern foundations that are screwed into the ground to depths typically between 1.2m and 5.2m using special equipment. They offer an efficient, practical, and free installation helping you build strong foundations for your residential and commercial... How does a Helical Piers System Work? Helical piers are popular construction foundations because of their ease of installation and low soil disturbance.

VersaPile Inc. - Helical Pile Contractors. Can I Build a Garage on Screw Piles?

VersaPile Inc. - Helical Pile Contractors

“I’ve heard screw piles are good for decks and patios, but can I really use them as the foundation for a garage?” At Postech, we’ve been asked that question often during our years of helping customers find the best foundation solution.... The Disadvantage of Helical Screw Piles. Typically we write about the benefits of helical screw piles.

The Disadvantage of Helical Screw Piles

One such benefit we talk about often is how we monitor the torque during installation. By monitoring torque, we can ensure the helical pile is able to support the right amount of weight. That’s a huge advantage when compared to the traditional poured-in-place concrete pile, in which the weight capacities are more of an educated guess. But, as it goes with everything in life, for every major advantage there is always a flip-side. With a traditional concrete poured in place pile, if the hole doesn’t cave-in, concrete is usually pumped into the hole and that’s considered reasonable. When it comes to our helical piles, we know the truth about the soil.

So, we generally pick from 1 of 3 options based on economics, timelines and efficiency: Add extensions to the piles in order to install them deeperInstall additional piles so that the load can be sharedRemove the pile and replace it with a larger pile Related Posts. How to Choose a Piling Contractor in Winnipeg, Manitoba. There are options out there when you’re looking for a piling contractor within Manitoba.

How to Choose a Piling Contractor in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Below are a few key steps to evaluating which piling contractor deserves your hard earned money. What is the reputation of the piling contractor? Before all other considerations would be the reputation of the piling contractor you might be considering for your building project. Just like when you shop online, you should be looking at Google, Facebook, BBB, Yelp, Houzz and other review sites to see what others are saying. Join the Contractor's Club to Get Exclusive Foundation Pricing. What is the Cost of Helical Screw Piles in Winnipeg, Manitoba? You’re a Manitoban with a building project who has heard about these slick screw pile, ground anchor, helical pile, screw anchor, what-cha-ma-call-its that are cheaper and much more slick to install when compared to concrete piles.

What is the Cost of Helical Screw Piles in Winnipeg, Manitoba?

But are they actually cheaper? What is the real cost of screw piles? There is no short answer to this but if you’re here for a super quick answer, here it goes. If you get all-in-pricing for a screw pile then you aren’t getting guaranteed performance. Like every other purchase in your life, cheap is cheap and in most situations, costs you more in the long run. Before we dive right in, it’s important to understand a few key points so you can eliminate the contractors or piles that are likely to cost you more in the long-run.

There Are Various Types of Screw Piles and It’s Important to Know the Difference. Foundation contractors for Your Projects. How to Choose a Piling Contractor in Winnipeg, Manitoba. There are options out there when you’re looking for a piling contractor within Manitoba.

How to Choose a Piling Contractor in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Below are a few key steps to evaluating which piling contractor deserves your hard earned money. What is the reputation of the piling contractor? Before all other considerations would be the reputation of the piling contractor you might be considering for your building project. Just like when you shop online, you should be looking at Google, Facebook, BBB, Yelp, Houzz and other review sites to see what others are saying. A quick Name Search on the Court of Queen’s Bench Court Registry website is also a prudent thing to do before you award a project worth several hundreds or thousands of dollars to a piling contractor (or any contractor for that matter). Postech Screw Pile vs. Ground Anchor vs. Concrete. “So, what’s the difference between your Postech Screw Piles, and a Groundhog anchor from Home Depot?”

Postech Screw Pile vs. Ground Anchor vs. Concrete

That’s a question I get all the time here in Winnipeg, and it’s a good one! People want to know what the difference is between our Postech Screw Piles, and those ground screw anchors you can buy at most building supply stores. My standard answer is, “Postech Screw Piles and ground screw anchors are the same idea, but in two completely different leagues.” For instance, little league baseball and adult professional baseball are technically the same sport, but there is a significant performance difference between the two. The Truth About Building-Center Ground Anchors Ground screw anchors have been available in Winnipeg since the mid 1990’s, and have brought recognition to the concept of screw piles in Winnipeg.

How to Choose a Piling Contractor in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Can You Build a Home on Helical Screw Piles? Building a new home can be one of the most exciting, and stressful, events in your life.

Can You Build a Home on Helical Screw Piles?

Mapping out the floor plan and dreaming of fixtures and finishes are some of the exciting parts. One of the not-so-exciting parts? Trying to figure out what foundation is right for you. Not only do you need to decide if you want a basement, crawlspace, or slab, but you also need to figure out how you’re going to support the foundation. Concrete piles are one of the most common choices in Manitoba – but is it always the right choice?

The Disadvantage of Helical Screw Piles. Foundation contractors for Your Projects.