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iBrand Strategy is a new age Digital Marketing agency offering services of Brand Strategy, Digital Marketing, Website Designing & Development<a href=“ Marketing Agency in India</a> , SEM, inbound marketing, Content Marketing, SEO, SMO, ORM, PPC, Media Plan, Analytics and Creative Services. iBrand Strategy Services is a premier Digital Marketing Company in India & USA We are an “ROI Driven” Integrated Digital Marketing Agency in India. At iBrand Strategy, we invest in strategies that lead to measurable and desired results.

13 questions startups must ask their website designers. If you are a Small and Medium Enterprise, or running a small office home office, there is often the situation when you start a business that you have no clue on website or what should you be looking for in a website.

13 questions startups must ask their website designers

More importantly you have no idea of how to figure out which web designer is better than other and how to evaluate them. Worse, you don’t know what questions to ask your web designer. Don’t you worry. We have listed 13 Questions startups must ask website designers? Meta Description for Search Engine Optimisation(SEO) What is Meta description: Meta data is data about data.

Meta Description for Search Engine Optimisation(SEO)

How Important is an H1 Tag for SEO? How To Write Title Tags For Search Engine Optimisation(SEO)? What is Title tag?

How To Write Title Tags For Search Engine Optimisation(SEO)?

It is one of the important elements from SEO perspective. A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a web page. Title tags show up on search engine results pages (SERPs) as the clickable headline for a given result page. How to write SEO friendly URLs in 2020? What is a URL?

How to write SEO friendly URLs in 2020?

A URL is a uniform resource Location or commonly known as the web address that specifies the location of the webpage on the internet. It is a human-readable address that helps the user to understand where the web page or a resource is located. It was designed to replace the IP addresses that computers use to communicate with the servers. In the image given above, the URL is pointing to a web page under the domain name of A URL consists of a protocol, domain name, folder structure, and webpage name. The protocol typically denotes how the browser should retrieve information eg. The domain is a human-readable address of where the resources are located. Folder is the name of the folder where all the contents/resources are placed. Digital Consulting.

Entrepreneurship Coaching. We are all human beings.

Entrepreneurship Coaching

Entrepreneurship Coaching. Can anyone describe what earth is without using language?

Entrepreneurship Coaching

Can one describe something as simple as love without using language? At first lot of people think it is possible using sign language. If you think yes, sign language can help you do that, perhaps you should consider that sign language is also language. Entrepreneurship Coaching. This one question always made me very uncomfortable.

Entrepreneurship Coaching

Right after my Xth standard, I focussed on studying and studying till I finished my post graduation. Working extra hard to get good grades which guaranteed a good job leading to good money in the pocket. The whole exercise was so focussed that I never pursued any of my hobbies. Have you faced challenges in your life? Challenges like, why don’t I get promoted, why my boss doesn’t trust me.

Have you faced challenges in your life?

Why is it that I can’t lose weight? Job Vs Entrepreneurship-An Indian Perspective. Why is entrepreneurship such a fancy world?

Job Vs Entrepreneurship-An Indian Perspective

Every kid that you talk to today is talking about starting up. Every new idea is being explored. How to improve page load speed using Google Page Speed(2018) [text_output]Before we get into how to improve page load speed using Google Page Speed, let’s first understand page speed per se.

How to improve page load speed using Google Page Speed(2018)

Page Speed: What is page speed? Page speed is the time it takes for the content on your page to load. It is generally measured in milliseconds. Generally, when people talk about page speed they may mean two different things. “Document complete” refers to the time taken to load contents such that one can start interacting with the web page even when the page is not fully loaded. “Fully rendered time” is the time taken to load the full page including all images, background scripts, tags etc. How To Write Title Tags For Search Engine Optimisation(SEO) in 2020. How Important is an H1 Tag for SEO in 2020?

How to write SEO friendly URLs in 2020. Entrepreneurship Coaching. Best Digital Marketing Company in Mumbai. There are umpteen number of Digital Marketing Agencies and most of them offer similar kind of services with similar claims around ROI and being data-driven. So, what makes us different. Website design and development for business, web design, web development. In many ways, your website is the face of your company. In the case of online businesses, it’s one of the only ways that customers get an impression of what your company is like. When it comes to the website; its the look and feel and the ease of use that customers see first and value highly. And that’s why the website design for your business becomes critical.

Here are some of the most essential things to keep in mind while you are contemplating your website design. What does content marketing mean? Content marketing strategy and its benefits. Traditional marketing is becoming more and more ineffective and inefficient in delivering the message to the consumers.

This is where Content marketing starts playing a role. What does content marketing mean? As per content marketing institute “, Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” As per Wikipedia, Content Marketing is a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience online.

It is often used by businesses in order to, Attract attention and generate leads, Expand their customer base, Generate or increase online sales, Increase brand awareness or credibility and Engage an online community of users. Start blogging and make money in India. how to setup blog,get traffic. Blogging is a free platform for anyone from a beginner to an expert level to write about whatever they feel like, provide information, promote business, and create a brand through blogging. Here are a few tips to get started about how to start blogging and making money in India while you sit in the comfort of your home.

How to create a blog Before starting a blog, you must know that you don’t have to be a professional or an experienced writer to start blogging. The users read blogs to get information on what they are looking for, product updates, business information, entertainment, and learn something. There are many blogging platforms like, WordPress and Blogger that provide a free platform for the users to blog. Is Social Media Managment and Marketing better investment than SEO? For a small business, both time and money are limited resources. How does Digital PR benefit business, visibility, SEO and brand awareness. Digital Public Relations or Digital PR is managing a brand, company’s perception in the digital world using content marketing via Bloggers, journalist, and influencers.

Complete Guide to YouTube SEO, Optimization, Analytics and Audience Engagement. A Beginner’s Guide on How to Sell Products On Flipkart - iBrand Strategy. Indian eCommerce is growing in leaps and bounds. Online shopping portals like Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, Shopclues, Jabong, and PayTM Mall have revolutionized the way Indians shop online. Flipkart has been the flag bearer of this Indian eCommerce story and has come a long way, enticing users from all over the country. iBrand Strategy is one of the Top Branding Companies in India. Content Marketing Services India. Social Media Marketing Services. Our motto is to “Listen for, and reliably deliver, that, which matters to you.”

This motto drives every element of Digital Marketing that we undertake. Social Media channels have become one of the most important sources of traffic for any web property. The level of engagement of the audience seen on social media is unparalleled as compared to any other platform. Even search engine optimization, which is used for improving a website’s ranking uses social media as one of the ranking signals today. We are a social media management company which does social media marketing, social media optimization, marketing campaigns, social media campaigns, focussed on startups, small, medium and enterprise clients.

Best Ecommerce Website Development Company in India. Amazon found that every 100ms of latency cost them 1% in sales. For ecommerce websites, page speed becomes critical metrics to keep an eye on. Today almost 60-80% of traffic on a website comes from mobile. With Google focussing on mobile first indexing, page load times have become even more critical. Why should businesses invest in video production? - iBrand Strategy. The art of storytelling has transformed over a period of time. Corporate world too has aligned themselves to this change. As per a study worldwide, video consumption has crossed 1 hour per day in 2018. Video consumption is estimated to account for almost 80% of traffic over the internet and add to it the Billions of views that Facebook and YouTube are generating, video content becomes a huge arsenal in the hands of businesses. As per another study, video on the landing page increases conversion rate by 80% and 64% users are more likely to buy a product online.

Best Digital Marketing Company in Delhi. There are umpteen number of Digital Marketing Agencies and most of them offer similar kind of services with similar claims around ROI and being data-driven. So, what makes us different. Need Identification: 13 tips to Choose the Best Payment Gateway in India - iBrand Strategy. Imagine this! You set up an e-commerce site. It’s absolutely gorgeous! It has everything- right from advanced search filters to elegant products and awesome product descriptions. However, when prospects try to initiate and complete payments, payment doesn’t go through. Payment gateways can either propel your business or dismantle the same. Best Digital Marketing Agency in India & USA.