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Pumpkin, Stem to Seed. You can count us among the many who go pumpkin crazy during the fall—pumpkin ale, pumpkin muffins or pumpkin pie are a few things that we love to indulge ourselves with. Inspired by nose-to-tail cooking, where chefs use an entire animal with minimal waste, we set out to use every bit of our pumpkin. Pumpkins are one of the most versatile fruits around, so use our recipes as basic inspiration for creating your own fall pumpkin dishes. The first step, no matter what you’re making: cut your pumpkin into quarters and remove the seeds—but don’t throw them out. Then, brush the pieces with olive oil and roast the pumpkin for about an hour at 375 degrees, skin side up, until the flesh is soft. Separate it from the skin, then purée in a food processor, or by hand, like Laura did, pressing the pumpkin (and a bit of water) through a mesh strainer. After making the pumpkin purée (the base of two of our recipes), we washed and dried the pumpkin’s seeds. 1.

. - Ryan. Sweet Coconut Milk Risotto « Things we make. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder. It makes me want to hibernate. Failing that I want to light the fire, curl up under a blanket and eat something like this. This is the creamiest of puddings. It’s made with coconut milk, nothing desiccated in here, that would jar with the texture. It’s only me that likes milky puddings in this house, so I shall be eating the lions share of this. Coconut Milk Risotto In one saucepan gently warm the milk, cream, sugar and salt. In a second large non stick pan melt the butter, add the rice and sauté for a minute or two. Then, as if you are making a normal savoury risotto gradually ladle the milk mixture onto the rice whilst stirring with a wooden spoon. Stir regularly until the rice is very soft and looks like a runny rice pudding. Lastly, add the coconut milk and continue to gently cook it for another 5 minutes.

Pour the pudding into a bowl and allow to cool. Pomegranates are so vibrant. Like this: Like Loading... Holland America's Bread Pudding - Cook Like James. Holland America’s Bread Pudding Download Holland America’s Bread Pudding Cinnamon Sugar 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon Bread Pudding 4 large eggs 1 large egg yolk 3/4 cup granulated sugar 2 1/2 cups whole milk 2 1/2 cups heavy cream 3 tablespoons rum, bourbon or Grand Marnier 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 tsp. lemon zest 3/4 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon table salt 12 ounces good quality American-style white bread (about 1/2 loaf), sliced 3/8-inch thick and cut into 1 1/2 -inch square pieces (about 8 cups) 1 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus extra for greasing pan Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Crème Anglaise: 1/2 vanilla bean , halved lengthwise 1 1/2 cups whole milk 5 large egg yolks 1/4 cup sugar Pinch salt 1. 2. Part of the enormous kitchen on the Westerdam Trays of Bread Pudding baking in the large ship ovens. EGGLESS MANGO MOUSSE - VERY VERY HEALTHY !!! Hi all hope everyone is doing well. Here is quick, easy and healthy mousse that you can prepare in no time, this is so easy and I have made this 'n' number of times. This is absolutely egg less mousse, here egg is substituted with silken tofu. You will not believe you have tofu in it. For those who don't like tofu you got to try this. I am sure you will start loving tofu this way. You can also make this vegan just by substituting condensed milk with agave, honey or Maple syrup. Eggless Mango Mousse Ingredients: Silken Tofu - 6 0z (170 g) Coconut cream or thick milk - 1/3 cup Mango - flesh of 1 mango (preferably sweet and ripen one makes this dessert so yummy) Condensed Milk - 3 tbsp (If your mango is really sweet then 2 tbsp is enough) Method: 1.

Note: 1. 2. Enjoy the healthy and delicious mousse with your favorite fruits :) If you buy a Tofu pack it is 12 oz use half of the Tofu for this mousse and keep remaining half in the refrigerator. Bavaroises pequeñas de frambuesas. Panna Cotta с кисело мляко и малини. Продукти за 4 порции:300 гр малини250 гр кисело мляко150 мл сметана 30%130 гр захар20 гр ванилова захар4 гр желатинпръчки ванилия - по желание. Pumpkin Mousse - Fun & Food Cafe.

Brown Rice Pudding Recipe. {pRendrE deS fOrceS ...} - Leplaisirdesmets. Car aujourd'hui, mercredi, une vraie journée marathon commence ... On fait alors le plein d'énergie et pour moi ce sera avec ce pudding à la banane (adaptation d'une recette trouvée chez Cook is good) * pour 4 à 6 personnes* 250g de confiture de banane * 200g de pain rassis 70 cl de lait d'avoine 2 oeufs 1/2 cuillère à café d'extrait de vanille Dans un grand plat, déposer vos tranches de pain rassis puis verser le lait préalablement chauffé. Laisser reposer pendant 30 min environ ou jusqu'à ce que le pain aie tout absorbé. Ecraser ensuite vos tranches imbibées à la fourchette et incorporer les oeufs battus en omelette puis mélanger le tout afin d'obtenir un mélange bien homogène. Ajouter l'extrait de vanille et la confiture de banane puis mélanger bien. Verser le tout dans des ramequins beurrés et enfourner à 185° pendant 1h.

Attendre 5 à 10 min avant de démouler. A déguster tièdes ou froids, mais après au moins 2h au réfrigérateur il n'en seront que meilleurs. Bizzz gourmandes et @ bientôt. Slow Cookin' Sunday: Rice Pudding. So just to clear things up right off the bat: Not every Slow Cookin' Sunday is going to involve raisins and cinnamon sticks. It was merely a coincidence. Next week, I promise, will be raisinless and cinnamon stick-less. But in defense of raisins and cinnamon sticks, they really are a tasty combo when you're trying to cut down on sugar or go refined sugar-free.

Raisins add texture and sweetness and cinnamon sticks provide flavor. I can't get enough of this dynamic duo. If you're looking for a sweet treat that is dairy-free, gluten-free and sugar-free, you can't go wrong with rice pudding. So just plop it all in the crockpot, chill it, reconstitute it a bit with a little more liquid and embellishments and you've got yourself a lovely, sweet and refreshing dessert. Slow Cooker Rice Pudding Makes Approximately 6 Cups Ingredients: 1 cup arborio rice 4 cups unsweetened almond milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup coconut palm sugar 3 tablespoons maple syrup 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cinnamon stick Directions:

Vanilla-Coconut Panna Cotta with Pomegranate Jelly - Food Network Canada. As most of you are aware, we’ve experienced many technical issues with our community functionality over the past few months. We know the frustration this has caused you - our valued members - when attempting to upload photos or participate within our forums. We know how important it is for a community to function smoothly and without error. While we strive to offer best in class products, we recognize that our community functionality simply does not meet those expectations at this time, and we have made the difficult decision to shut down our forums and photo gallery on Friday, July 6. Please understand that this choice was not made lightly. We still believe in the value of an online food community, so rest assured that we are planning to bring back these features and functionality in the future – but with great new products. We value our members and fans above all else, and we thank you very much for having been a part of our community over the past few years.

Ashtaliyeh or cream pudding. Commercial kitchens from Milan to Sydney to Singapour to Dallas are serving Panna Cotta these days. I get the impression that most chefs the world over think that Italy is where the mediterranean starts and ends! I wish they would serve what we call ashtaliyeh. Ashta is the word for cream in Arabic and ashtaliyeh is the pudding derived from it; a bit deceiving, because it does not contain cream! This is a very creamy pudding, without any cream! It is thickened with cornstarch which avoids the rubberiness that comes from gelatin; it is nearly unsweetened and served with a syrup on the side. Flavorings are traditionally orange blossom and rose water and mastic.

This is a recipe from a Lebanese chef and restaurant owner in the UK, Hussien Dekmak. Time to make? INGREDIENTS : 4 servings Ashtaliyeh: For the syrup: (You will most likely have some leftover, which is fine, it will keep for several weeks in the fridge) To garnish the ashtaliyeh: How to use the mastic: To make the syrup: Vanilla chai tapioca pudding. My family is the definition of blended family. Marriages, kids, divorces, re-marriages, more kids. We’re all a big, loving mish-mash of DNA that are always there for one another. A blended family can a lot of times mean a drastic age difference among siblings, and that’s what my sisters, brother and I have. My siblings range from 12 years to 8 years older than me, and that means that they had a decidedly different parental experience than I did.

Just imagine how different of a person 8 years can make you, let alone 12? My parents were not the same parents that my sisters or brother had. I think a lot of sibling bonding comes from shared experiences. A few times a year, Dad would buy a box of instant tapioca pudding and we’d mix up a giant batch in a stainless steel bowl. Every now and again, I get a craving for a nostalgic bowl of tapioca pudding. You can find tapioca pearls at most international food markets. Vanilla Chai Tapioca Pudding Makes 2-4 servings Print this recipe Ingredients. Nagaimo Soy Pudding : 山药豆乳布丁. When I was in Taiwan a few weeks ago, my favourite cold appetizer dish at meal time was the Nagaimo. (山药/淮山) Prepared and served in a variety of ways, they were crunchy and totally refreshing. Long known for its medicinal values, the Chinese have always used them to balance the yin and yang energy in the body.

It has been used to treat digestive, repiratory and diabetes problems ... in short, this is a healthy root vegetable and is often featured in macrobiotics diet. I have not exactly been a big fan of this root until recently. I recall my first encounter with it was at a Japanese restaurant almost 20 years ago. My Japanese boss had ordered a Chirashi Sushi topped with a white gooey blob- the musilaginous consistency of which was not appetising at all. Then many years later, my Taiwanese colleague invited me to his house for dinner. When I was in Taiwan a few weeks back, the Nagaimo was in season and we practically had it for every meal as a cold starter. Recipe : Method : 1. Creamy Rice Pudding Recipe.