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Really Random Tips | 8 smart organizing tips for the kitchen. Easy Ways to Save Energy - Products. Apparently the average home has 40 devices plugged in drawing constant energy, even when they're turned off (this is called, creepily, 'vampire energy'). To combat this, Belkin has created a slew of products, in their 'conserve' line, that help consumers track, monitor and control energy use in their home. Here's the Conserve Socket, which turns off automatically after 30 minutes, three hours, or six hours of use. (They also make another socket, the Conserve Valet, that turns off when an electronic device is fully charged): Here's a surge protector that reduces standby power to electronic devices like your TV and entertainment system: And here's my favorite gadget of the bunch, the Insight, a plug-in energy monitor that displays electricity consumed (wattage); the carbon dioxide produced to create that electricity; and the actual cost, in dollars and cents, of that energy use.

The One-Minute Cleaner: 500 Tips for Cleaning Smarter, not Harder by Donna Smallin, Storey Books | Paperback. Space Saver - Martha Stewart Home & Garden. Homemade Floor (and All-Purpose) Cleaner. This homemade floor cleaner also works as an all-purpose cleaner and disinfectant! Clean nearly every surface in your home with just 5 simple ingredients. NOTE: This post started as a very simple recipe for a homemade floor cleaner. Over the years I’ve experimented and refined it to it’s current form. Today, it’s not just a floor cleaner; it also doubles as a great all-purpose cleaner. When I was growing up, the only thing we used for cleaning our tile floors was a certain pine-scented concoction with a mop and bucket. And although that pine cleaner is still around today, we’ve also become much more conscious of the products we bring into our homes. We want to know exactly what’s in those products. So what exactly is in Pine-Sol®?

To be honest, I didn’t expect to find a complete list of the ingredients in this product, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that their website actually has what looks like the full list here! Ethoxylated alcohol Fragrance More grime-fighting power. Ingredients. Bedside Caddy - Black. Every-day Solutions to Staying Organized. Source: peter lee This post was originally published several years ago but continues to be one of our most popular. If you’re looking for simple, effective strategies to get organized, start here! The number one question I get from my readers is “help, I’m so overwhelmed with my home, where do I start?”

Maybe you can relate? Sometimes it isn’t so much about starting with this pile here or that pile over there but more a matter of introducing a few daily organizational habits to help keep the clutter and chaos from becoming more than you can manage. Here are 10 things you can do today to help you stay organized. 1. Often chaos ensues because we are trying to juggle too many things in our brains. Grab yourself a notebook and just start brain dumping all that needs to be done. Source: organizing junkie 2. Now take your list to your calendar (and if you don’t have a central family calendar, get one quick!) 3. You may not be menu planning for the whole week yet, but you can menu plan for TODAY. Spring-Cleaning Secrets and Tips - Frank Fontana. Spring-Cleaning Checklist Room by Room. OH MY GOD I AM PALE | nogreatillusion: A guide to hanging photos. ... On display: wall gallery inspiration » ann beck photography.

We have had so much fun featuring real client homes, and have gotten a lot of questions from those of you looking to recreate a similar look in your own home but don’t know where to start. We’ve collected some of our favorite layouts that can work in a variety of spaces an created these samples for you to view and get inspired! The sizes of the images depend on the size of the space you have to work with, and whether you are framing the pictures or ordering gallery wrapped canvases, so you can find a style and layout that fits your home and the images you want to showcase!

Of course, if you have a session scheduled with us already, we’ll be happy to go over all of this in person, and even put together some samples using your own images, but we thought this could be helpful to get you started, or for displaying old family portraits… or anything in between! Simple Life Wall Display Inspiration. Want to make a BIG impact on your order sessions? Wow your clients with these totally customizable display guides featuring photo print (with optional customizable frames and mats) and canvas grouping ideas on a variety of modern room backgrounds!

You’ll get: 16 groupings to get you started – modular template pieces make it simple to add as many as you can dream up. 8 room styles in horizontal and vertical formats with customizable colors for wall, floor and ceiling so you can easily build your own “rooms” (try using digital papers to make “wallpaper” in your rooms!) 22 print and canvas sizes from 4×6 to 30×45, all ready to drop in wherever you’d like. Print and bind a few of these to hand out to clients, or easily swap out the placeholder frames with your client’s images for a truly customized experience! These templates were created with Photoshop CS5, but are compatible with Photoshop CS and newer. Scrap Trap Bin and Scraper.